Wondering about wild grapes

Friday, July 11, 2014

Wondering About Hiccups

I bet all of you have had the hiccups a few times during your life.  I have.  My Granddad had them for weeks and weeks one time.  In fact he had them so long that he was getting very weak and the doctor said if they didn't subside soon, he would have to cut the nerves that cause it.  Finally, they went away and no operation was required.

I guess hiccups run in my family.  I get them quite frequently but they only last for a few "hiccs" at a time, but I have a cousin who gets them for longer lengths of time, maybe a week or more.  But, so far, in my family at least, my Grandpa holds the record.

So, what causes hiccups?  There are plenty of things that can bring a bout of hiccups on.  If you eat too quickly or if you swallow air, that could cause them, but with me, it just causes burping.  The same with too much fatty or spicy foods.  Of course there is a dark side to hiccups.  They can also be caused by brain tumors or strokes that involve the brain stem.   Now, I hope you all are hiccup free and please have a great day, you hear? 


  1. A show on the history/science tv says hiccups are a leftover evolutionary by-product of when fish sprouted feet and crawled up on land and their gills changed to lungs. Didn't much understand much of it, but if you got a bad case of hiccups, stick your head in the river for an hour and you'll cure the hiccups or re-sprout gills. Then when the wife calls you a reptile, she won't be kidding.

    1. Maybe I better check and see if I got webs between my toes. I will not tell anyone that you are the cousin I was talking about (grin).

    2. Grandpa and you, right? Did my memory fail me again?

  2. My Eva gets the hiccups often. She sings a lot--swallowing air maybe? She also eats more ice cream than her dad. Fat? Both she and her dad are rail thin....so not fair!

    1. I love ice cream and eat some every night. I am not thin as a rail, but I am not fat, either. I am 5'-11 and 168 pounds. Blue Bell makes the very best chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!!!

  3. Wanna know how to get rid of them instantly?,,, Just take a sip of vinegar. Guarantied...

    1. I love vinegar. When I was kid, I would dilute apple cider vinegar and drink it instead of sodas.
