Wondering about wild grapes

Monday, March 16, 2015

Wondering About Funny Stupid.

Yes I am, first I am going to...:

This next one reminds me of an old joke about an Indian Chief and his squaw taking their first ride in a passenger railroad car.  The chief tells the squaw to get him a drink of water.  She brings a glass of water to him, he drinks it and says that it is really good, get him another, and then another.  But then the squaw comes back without any water and when the chief asks why, she says "Someone is sitting on the well".

How true is this next one!!  Of course, sometimes the opposite is true, you think they look stupid until they speak and then you know that they are a genius.

Not sure if I agree with this one, it may also remove a genius or two or...

Hey, I like the game Angry Birds, but not like this:

Now, if you persevered and read my blog this far. . . 

Just kidding, I love all of you who read and comment on my blog no matter if you are a genius or not.  I am far, far from being a genius, that is for sure.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Whether you're a genius or not depends on what part of the world you're standing in at any given point. In NY, I'd probably be an idiot. In Indiana, I was a genius. In Florida, I'm merely still above ground.

    Where kindness is concerned, I'd like to categorize both of us as mental giants.

    1. I have a weird sense of humor and that sometimes upsets people who take me the wrong way. I am real good at coming back with a quick, smart answer. . . before I think it through.

  2. March 16, 2015

    Great post



  3. March 16, 2015

    Great post



    1. Thanks George, I got a laugh or two out of it when I was writing it.

  4. Common sense is far more important than a high IQ... I know a couple really smart people who can't even hold a casual conversation.

    1. I must have a low IQ because I think I have common sense. But if you ask my wife she will probably say I have neither. (grin)

  5. The dog said it all.....
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Yep, sometimes dogs are smarter than people. . . well, maybe most of the time.

  6. I just love this post today! Good work...made me grin!

    1. Glad you liked it, I grinned a lot when writing it.
