Sunday, April 30, 2017

Crash At Flea Market.

We had a little excitement at the flea market today.  My wife was set up this weekend and I stayed with her today.  All was going along as usual until we heard a loud bang a few tables down toward the entrance and the highway.  I figured that there was a wreck out on the road, maybe someone pulled out in traffic and got hit.

I decided to take a walk down that way since we were set up not far from the entrance.  It was not out on the road.  Someone smashed into a vendor's van, his tables, and was stopped by a steel H-beam post that supported part of the roof.  Here is a picture that I took:

That created a real mess.  Tables and sale items all over the place.  Aisle walkway blocked.  The policeman on duty there called it in and a firetruck and an ambulance and of course, more police showed up.  The driver had some kind of seizure and his foot floored the gas peddle, so the driver was the only one that needed treatment.  It sure could have been a lot worse if  he had not hit that pole, which stopped the car.  The aisles on the other side of those tables were full of people; men, women, and children.  Hate to think what would have happened if he had not hit that pole first.  That kind of excitement I can do without.  Now you all drive carefully, walk alertly, and have a great day, you hear?

Friday, April 28, 2017

Back Yard Update

There have been a lot of visitors to our back yard.  Birds of all sizes, from large Crows to beautiful Painted Buntings-and of course squirrels and rabbits.  If you have been a reader of my blog for awhile, you know I have had trouble with squirrels emptying the feeder and I would have to refill it two or three times a day.  At the end of the day, it was always empty.

I was buying 50 to a 100 pounds of bird feed every couple of weeks.  Tractor Supply was getting rich, I was getting poor, and the squirrels were getting fat and sassy.  My wife found a suggestion in a book that sounded like it would work.  Run the support pole through an empty plastic container and place it half way up the pole, high enough to prevent the squirrels from jumping from the ground to the pole above the container.

I couldn't do that since my pole divided into two prongs that stuck in the ground.  So, I just split the jug up the side and cut an "X" at the end of the slit at the bottom.  I slipped the pole into the side of the jug and made sure where it exited the bottom that it was in my "X" cut.  I then tightly taped the jug closed around the pole.  Guess what?  It works!!!  The last fifty pound bag I bought will now probably last me a month or more or longer.  Sorry Tractor Supply.  I will still put some seed on the ground for the rabbits, and the squirrels can eat that, too.

This first picture shows all the feeders, the plastic jug, and the squirrels on the ground:

This next one is taken out of the kitchen window.  My wife's succulent plants sit on the inside window sill:

This last picture is about the same except for the cardinal on the feeder:

Well, I guess this blog posting was for the birds, as they say.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Bucket Has a Hole In It.

When I went to bed last night, I turned my Sirius Radio on.  Yes, it is always on the Blue Grass station, "Blue Grass Junction".  I know, I have told you before about how much I like blue grass, but they played an old Hank Williams, Sr. song, "My Bucket's Got a Hole in it" and it is OK, but it ain't one of my favorite songs, in fact, I was hoping it would hurry up and get over so I could listen to something else.

After it finished playing, I just shut the radio off and tried to go to sleep.  Yep, you guessed it.  The chorus kept playing over and over in my head, like a stuck record.  Took me quite awhile to get to sleep.

Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
I can't buy no beer.

And just in case you are interested, here is the rest of that song:

Well I'm standin' on a corner - with a bucket in my hand
I'm waitin' for a woman - that ain't got no man.

'cause my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
I can't buy no beer.

Well, I went upon the mountain - I looked down in the sea
I seen the crabs and the fishes - doin' the be-bop- bee.

Well, there ain't no use - of me workin' so hard
When I got a woman - in the boss man's yard.

Extra verse.
Well, me and my baby - we just bought a ford
And now we sit together - on the running board.
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

We are having a bright, clear, cool morning.  It is gorgeous.  Yesterday my son cut the whole place.  The parts that he couldn't get to with his big John Deere (like the fenced in yard for the dogs), he used his rotary hand pushed mower.  He did a great job and the next time I see him, I will have to thank him, for sure.  Now you all listen to some bluegrass music and have a great day, you hear?

Monday, April 24, 2017

Flea Market Weekend.

My wife decided to set up at the local flea market this past weekend.  The weatherman sure did cooperate.  The weather couldn't have been any better except for the wind.  When I walked with the wind to my back, my hair would get to my destination few minutes before I did.  Well maybe not that far, my hair ain't quite that long. . . yet.

My wife gathered up a bunch of stuff around the house that we really didn't need, I loaded them into the Jeep, we put them on the table that she rented, and she just about sold out on Saturday, so we had to find some more for Sunday.

These pictures were taken on Saturday.  Remember, you should be able to click on them to enlarge them.  This first picture is her table.  She brought the parrot and the red headed girl home.  Yep, she decided that she wanted to keep them for awhile.

Another picture of her table with my wife sitting in the background.  Can you find her?

Right beside us was our friend Dot.  She is well liked by all and my wife and I think she is something special, and she is:

  Don't forget, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.  That was the highlight of our weekend.  We have become friends with a lot of vendors and while my wife is busy at her table, I walk around and chat with everyone.  Once in awhile, I take over at the table and let my wife take a walk.  It has to be a quick one, since I can't answer the potential customers' questions.  Now, I hope you all had a great weekend and a better day today, you hear?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

H i-Yo Silver, Away!

If any of you are near my age, you will remember the TV show, The Lone Ranger".  Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels were the stars of the show, Clayton played the Lone Ranger, Jay played his faithful sidekick, Tonto.  I will post a couple of pictures to spur your memory.

This first one is of Clayton Moore in the Lone Ranger costume:

And this one is of him without the mask.  I bet you always wondered what the Lone Ranger looked like unmasked:

Of course we can't leave out Tonto.  Since Jay Silverheels, who played Tonto, was a real Native American, I can't say for sure if he is in costume or not.  Maybe he always dressed this way:

Well, did I jog your memory or are you younger than I am.  When I was a kid, I sure did enjoy those shows but just the other day, they aired one of those shows.  It sure did bring back memories for me and the reason I made this post.  Now, watch your partner's back and have a great day, you hear?

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter.

I hope all of you have a happy and blessed Easter.  Now, I am going to go eat some Easter Eggs.  Have a great day, you hear?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fixodent and Rollerblades.

When you bump into a tree with your car and get a dent in the fender, you take it to the body shop to get it fixed.  Or you can just buy a tube of Fixodent?  If you are quite accident prone, maybe you should carry a case of Fixodent in the trunk.

Rollerblades are ice-skates that have rollers instead of blades on the bottom.  Roller-skates have four wheels on each foot consisting of two pairs, one in front and one at the rear, whereas rollerblades have three or four wheels in a straight line on each foot.  So why are they called blades?  The wheels are not as sharp as a knife blade
but they do resemble ice-skates.  I guess that is why they call them roller blades.

If I wanted to, I could go on and on, but it is getting late and I want to get this posted.  Feel free to add your own comments and have a great day, you hear? 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Things I Have Learned Over the Years.

I have learned that we can never experience what is happening right now.  Nope, everything we perceive is in the past, whether a millionth of a second or a million years, it is all in the past.  It takes time for the signals of what happens now (what we have seen, felt, heard, or smelled) to reach our brain, deciphered, and become a memory.

I have learned not to upset the cook.  You definitely don't want the cook mad at you.  In fact there is a huge list of people that you don't want to upset... let's just say it isn't wise to upset anyone.  And yes, it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.

I have learned that no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone, and some people you can't please at all no matter how hard you try.  The trick is to know which ones you can please and which ones you can never please.

Never feel embarrassed.  Embarrassment is a one sided emotion and all one sided emotions are useless.  Sometimes love can be one sided, but love doesn't need to be returned.  I love a lot of things that are incapable of loving me back.  For instance, I love the wilds of nature, but nature can be quite dangerous at times.  I love chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream, and I don't think that it actually loves me back but it does make me feel gooooood.

I have learned that you don't always get wiser with age, although you do have a lot more past experiences to help you make the right decisions.

I could go on and on and on, but I don't want to bore you, so I will say goodnight for now.  Now, you have a great day, what is left of it, and a better day tomorrow, you hear?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Sometimes I Feel Really Old.

Sometimes I get to feeling really, really old.  You know, like old enough for my uncle to have been personal friends with Adam and Eve.  And my cousin had picked up a piece of the first stone tablet containing the ten commandments that Moses had smashed.  Just in case you haven't noticed yet, I have exaggerated these facts a tad.  It is just that some mornings I do feel that old.

OK, I will tell you exactly how old I am.  According to the internet site "", a very short time ago I was "74 years, 1 month, 27 days, 0 hours, and 31 minutes" old.  Wow!!!  I definitely have lived longer than the time I have left.  That may be a little off, since I didn't know the exact time I was born.  So you see I am really old, maybe not as old as dirt but pretty close.  My Dad passed away when he was 60 years old but my Mom lived to be in her mid 90's.  So, I have lived over 14 years more than my Dad but have a ways to go to catch up with my Mom.  The truth of the matter is that we only have right now.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come, so make the best of your todays, you hear?

Saturday, April 8, 2017

It Took Forty Tries.

Try, try again and again. . . How many times would try to get something right before you gave up?  Over 60 years ago, back in 1953, three workers at the San Diego's Rocket Chemical Company took forty (40) tries to get it right.  What they were trying to get right?  They were trying to make a water displacement product that would protect missile skins and they planned to sell it to aerospace and defense contractors.  Today, this is a very popular product with everyone and used in thousands of ways.

Hints from the above paragraph should have given you enough clues to guess what this product is.  It was originally created as a water displacement, hence the first two letters in the name, WD.  And since it wasn't perfected until the 40th try, it was named WD-40.
You can always find a can or two of this stuff around my house and for sure, it goes with us in our vehicles.  There are many uses for it, some practical and some ridiculous.  Do you keep a can of it handy?  What are some of the uses you have found for it?  Keep things lubricated and moving freely without any squeaks and have a great day, you hear?

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak.

No, I am not talking about my joints, although they do make strange noises sometimes.  And no, my recliner/rocker doesn't squeak.  OK, I will tell what I am talking about.

The pups have toys that have squeakers in them.  They just about destroyed most of them.  I pick up the worst damaged ones and throw them away but first I check to see if the squeaker in them still works.  I found one that does, and I carry it around in my pocket. and every now and then I squeak it.  Of course I act nonchalant.  I act very innocent and they just can't seem to find where that squeak came from.  Of course I don't over do it.  I just squeak it a couple of times and wait for a long time to do it again.  Got to give those pups something to react to.  Don't want them to lose interest in life and what is going on around them.  OK, I am a bad boy but it sure is fun and it is hard to hold in the laughing.

Don't feel bad for my pups.  They are spoiled rotten.  Wife cooks gourmet meals for them, they have their own beds and pillows, and of course they have my wife and I as their personal servants.  They live the life of millionaires, except that they have no money.  They even visit the groomers once a month, whether they need to or not.  Yep, we love our pups and we wouldn't have it any other way.  Now, if you have a pet of your own, give it a pat on the head from me and have a great day, you hear?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wondering What I'll Get If I. . . .

What will I get if I go into a donut shop and ask for half a "baker's dozen"?  Since a baker's dozen is thirteen, is half a baker's dozen six and a half?  And what if I am bad?  They will say I am in the dog house, but what if my dog is bad, is she sent to the people house?  Sometimes I get very confused.

What will I get when I go into a health food store and ask for another six months of good health?  They just might think that I am a little touched in the head.  Or what would I get if I walked into a body shop and ask the guy for a 40 year younger body and maybe one that looks somewhat more handsome and dashing, maybe a sports model?  Sometimes I get very confused.

I don't want to be selfish or anything so maybe I could take my dogs into a pet shop and tell them I want them to pet my dogs.  I would offer to purchase twenty minutes of petting time for them.  Then on the way home I could stop at a dress shop and ask for a bottle of French and a bottle of blue cheese dressings.

I know not to make the cook mad.  As much as I love to eat, that would be a real bad mistake if I did, then I would be wondering what I'll get for supper.  I could go on and on but think I will just get out of here, I have said enough.  Now, have a great evening, you hear?

Sunday, April 2, 2017

And Again, I Ask Why?!?!

Yep, I am always questioning things.  Simple things that we take for granted and say all the time, are one example.  Like, why do we say up north, down south, out west, and back east?  I hear that no matter where in the U.S. I am.  OK, here is a list of things that may cause you to ask why, too:

Why is a boxing ring square?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from
vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

Why don't you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?

Is French kissing in France just called kissing

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

Why is it called Alcoholics Anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say, 'My name is Dizzy, and I am an alcoholic'?

Why do they call it a pair of pants, but only 1 bra?

I like to take things literal, so I like this one. - Are you breaking the law if you drive past those road signs that say "Do Not Pass"?

And this one made me laugh - Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

How do you get off a nonstop flight?

If a mirror reverses right and left, why doesn't it reverse up and down?

If the funeral procession is at night, do folks drive with their lights off?

Where in the nursery rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty is an egg?

Why are you expected to slow down in a speed zone?

Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

Why do you need an appointment to see a psychic?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why doesn't the fattest man in the world become a hockey goalie?

OK, that is enough for today.  Hope you found some of them funny.  We are under severe storm warnings and a tornado watch here today, but I want you all to have a great day, you hear?