Thursday, April 6, 2017

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak.

No, I am not talking about my joints, although they do make strange noises sometimes.  And no, my recliner/rocker doesn't squeak.  OK, I will tell what I am talking about.

The pups have toys that have squeakers in them.  They just about destroyed most of them.  I pick up the worst damaged ones and throw them away but first I check to see if the squeaker in them still works.  I found one that does, and I carry it around in my pocket. and every now and then I squeak it.  Of course I act nonchalant.  I act very innocent and they just can't seem to find where that squeak came from.  Of course I don't over do it.  I just squeak it a couple of times and wait for a long time to do it again.  Got to give those pups something to react to.  Don't want them to lose interest in life and what is going on around them.  OK, I am a bad boy but it sure is fun and it is hard to hold in the laughing.

Don't feel bad for my pups.  They are spoiled rotten.  Wife cooks gourmet meals for them, they have their own beds and pillows, and of course they have my wife and I as their personal servants.  They live the life of millionaires, except that they have no money.  They even visit the groomers once a month, whether they need to or not.  Yep, we love our pups and we wouldn't have it any other way.  Now, if you have a pet of your own, give it a pat on the head from me and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Good boy, good boy. Sit, stay. . . OK, now you can get up and roam the country.

  2. My dogs always tore out the squeaker the first day they had a new toy. I wish I had thought to put one in my pocket and drive the dog crazy wondering where the squeak was coming from.

    1. You just don't have a devious mind like mine.

  3. Well I guess that makes two bad boys then because that is the kind of thing I would do as well and exactly in the same manner.

    1. Yep, got to put some spice in the pups' lives.

    2. Yes, A bit of spice - good for the soul too.. Mine love teasing and play. I have a 'doll-cryer' in my pocket. And they act really goofy hearing dogs bark - on the internet.

    3. Life wouldn't be full and happy without some dogs around. I used to have a dog that loved to watch TV. I was told that they could not see the TV picture, but mine sure could.

  4. What a tease you are. I know better than to feel sorry for your pampered pups. Those two live the "life of Riley". Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes, they are pampered for sure. But they are our kids and if we want to spoil and pamper them, we will.

  5. Cats get the same treatment too...dont need the care dogs do. I was so glad to see mine after being gone 4 weeks.

    1. I bet both you and the cats were glad to be back together again.
