Monday, April 24, 2017

Flea Market Weekend.

My wife decided to set up at the local flea market this past weekend.  The weatherman sure did cooperate.  The weather couldn't have been any better except for the wind.  When I walked with the wind to my back, my hair would get to my destination few minutes before I did.  Well maybe not that far, my hair ain't quite that long. . . yet.

My wife gathered up a bunch of stuff around the house that we really didn't need, I loaded them into the Jeep, we put them on the table that she rented, and she just about sold out on Saturday, so we had to find some more for Sunday.

These pictures were taken on Saturday.  Remember, you should be able to click on them to enlarge them.  This first picture is her table.  She brought the parrot and the red headed girl home.  Yep, she decided that she wanted to keep them for awhile.

Another picture of her table with my wife sitting in the background.  Can you find her?

Right beside us was our friend Dot.  She is well liked by all and my wife and I think she is something special, and she is:

  Don't forget, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.  That was the highlight of our weekend.  We have become friends with a lot of vendors and while my wife is busy at her table, I walk around and chat with everyone.  Once in awhile, I take over at the table and let my wife take a walk.  It has to be a quick one, since I can't answer the potential customers' questions.  Now, I hope you all had a great weekend and a better day today, you hear?


  1. It sounds like a fun way to spend the day. Now if you could get that parrot to sit on your shoulder as you walked around...

    1. That parrot, if you feed it batteries, moves around, squawks, and talks to you. When it is moving its head and fluffing its wings and squawking, you would swear it was real.

  2. Thank we have been to that Flea Market a fe w times, love checkin it out. looks you did well.Maybe next year

    1. It is located on Texas state highway 105 between Conroe and Cleveland. They have inside booths and covered tables outside. It is quite large and takes some time to see everything.

  3. So THAT'S what it looks like! Thanks for posting pictures, as I rarely go to flea markets and have no idea about them. I don't really like to shop, so if I need something I just run to the store where I know I can find it. I think talking to and getting to know some of the other vendors would be fun.

    1. My wife doesn't set up very often, but we usually go to the flea market every weekend. I go just to visit with everyone.

  4. Well I would have bought the parrot and the red head. haha just what I need more stuff. Head would have been great to display the kids hats n scarves I make if I still did craft shows

    1. Yes Jo, that head was made to display stuff, like ear-rings, necklaces, etc. It is quite heavy so it will not knock over easily.

  5. OMG a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer! I haven't seen one of those in over 40 years. I used to exercise with him (on TV) every morning, in my younger years. I usually don't go to Flea Markets as I don't need anymore stuff. Have enough of my own. But you sure meet some interesting people at them.

    1. It has been laying around the house for a long time and only had been used a couple of times. I prefer to eat my fruits and veggies instead of drink them.

  6. Sounds like a great way to get rid of stuff and make room for more stuff! I'm happy that the weather co-operated.

    1. Or to make enough room to walk. Yes, the weather was beautiful, a little windy but beautiful.

  7. Looks like fun! It feels good to get rid of stuff! I remember that mannequin head!

    1. Yep, she got that mannequin head at a yard sale.
