Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Bucket Has a Hole In It.

When I went to bed last night, I turned my Sirius Radio on.  Yes, it is always on the Blue Grass station, "Blue Grass Junction".  I know, I have told you before about how much I like blue grass, but they played an old Hank Williams, Sr. song, "My Bucket's Got a Hole in it" and it is OK, but it ain't one of my favorite songs, in fact, I was hoping it would hurry up and get over so I could listen to something else.

After it finished playing, I just shut the radio off and tried to go to sleep.  Yep, you guessed it.  The chorus kept playing over and over in my head, like a stuck record.  Took me quite awhile to get to sleep.

Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
I can't buy no beer.

And just in case you are interested, here is the rest of that song:

Well I'm standin' on a corner - with a bucket in my hand
I'm waitin' for a woman - that ain't got no man.

'cause my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
I can't buy no beer.

Well, I went upon the mountain - I looked down in the sea
I seen the crabs and the fishes - doin' the be-bop- bee.

Well, there ain't no use - of me workin' so hard
When I got a woman - in the boss man's yard.

Extra verse.
Well, me and my baby - we just bought a ford
And now we sit together - on the running board.
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

We are having a bright, clear, cool morning.  It is gorgeous.  Yesterday my son cut the whole place.  The parts that he couldn't get to with his big John Deere (like the fenced in yard for the dogs), he used his rotary hand pushed mower.  He did a great job and the next time I see him, I will have to thank him, for sure.  Now you all listen to some bluegrass music and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I could use a little Bluegrass myself right now to brighten my day.

    It's warm enough to open up the windows and ice finally left the lake. Things are looking up.

    1. It has been too hot to open the windows until today. A cool front came through with cool, dry air and we all welcomed it with open arms. Send some more down our way.

  2. I remember that song but few of the words and not who sang it. There are better bluegrass tunes, for sure. My personal favorite is Ralph Stanley.

    1. Yep, there are a lot of really great blue grass musicians out there.

  3. It hit 97 at the fishing pier here in Rockport yesterday.

    1. It was up to 90 yesterday and almost that warm a couple of days prior to that. It cooled of some and that felt good.

  4. Thanks for the memory -- been a long time since I heard that song-------Love Bluegrass and old country music -- another song I remember is Green Door Do you remember it??

    1. Oh yes, I liked that song, also. "There's an old piano and they play it hot behind the green door. Don't know what they're doin' but they laugh a lot behind the green door".

  5. Thanks for jogging my memory. I remember that song. My hubby does the same thing. He will wake up singing a song heard in his sleep and that song stays with him all week. Have a great weekend.

    1. Oh yes, can't get it out of my head unless I want to remember the words and write them down, then it disappears.

  6. Have no intention of getting rid of my old Jeep Liberty.

  7. Oh, What about the old song "There's a hole in my bucket, Dear Henry, Dear Henry"?
    Happy Trails and Tails, Penny

    1. Penny, I am not sure I know that song.

    2. Oh, DD. Here it is:

      Maybe you have heard it now?

      Hoping you and yours are all well.
      Happy Trails and Tails, Penny
