Monday, April 10, 2017

Sometimes I Feel Really Old.

Sometimes I get to feeling really, really old.  You know, like old enough for my uncle to have been personal friends with Adam and Eve.  And my cousin had picked up a piece of the first stone tablet containing the ten commandments that Moses had smashed.  Just in case you haven't noticed yet, I have exaggerated these facts a tad.  It is just that some mornings I do feel that old.

OK, I will tell you exactly how old I am.  According to the internet site "", a very short time ago I was "74 years, 1 month, 27 days, 0 hours, and 31 minutes" old.  Wow!!!  I definitely have lived longer than the time I have left.  That may be a little off, since I didn't know the exact time I was born.  So you see I am really old, maybe not as old as dirt but pretty close.  My Dad passed away when he was 60 years old but my Mom lived to be in her mid 90's.  So, I have lived over 14 years more than my Dad but have a ways to go to catch up with my Mom.  The truth of the matter is that we only have right now.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come, so make the best of your todays, you hear?


  1. I completely understand and I really feel the aging process lately. I've lived almost 39 yrs longer than my Dad did, but have about 6 to go to catch up with my Mom. Lately I don't think I'll make it to her.

    1. Like I said in my posting, make the best of your todays. I am sure that you have many, many more years, but just in case, make sure you enjoy your todays.

  2. I felt pretty old today too and it didn't help when I went into the post office and an old man said, "Hi Granny." Another older person asked me what color my hair used to be. It didn't help that I was movin' kinda slow either. I still like being old better than being a nerdy teen again.

    1. Wisdom comes with age, so you ain't getting older, you're getting smarter.

  3. By rights, I should have croaked a couple years ago, so every day is a gift.

    1. Yep, I have already outlived one doctor's prediction.

  4. I'm still trying to figure out how I got to be 70 already I feel it body wise but my mind thinks very different

    1. I understand. I am four years your senior, but my wife keeps telling me to grow up???

  5. The way my body feels in the morning when I try to get out of bed, I think I was born in the Stone Age. Yet age is just a number and when our time is up it doesn't make any difference what age we are. So I take it one day at a time.

    1. Why is it that our beds feel so much better when it is time to get up??
