Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Things I Have Learned Over the Years.

I have learned that we can never experience what is happening right now.  Nope, everything we perceive is in the past, whether a millionth of a second or a million years, it is all in the past.  It takes time for the signals of what happens now (what we have seen, felt, heard, or smelled) to reach our brain, deciphered, and become a memory.

I have learned not to upset the cook.  You definitely don't want the cook mad at you.  In fact there is a huge list of people that you don't want to upset... let's just say it isn't wise to upset anyone.  And yes, it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.

I have learned that no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone, and some people you can't please at all no matter how hard you try.  The trick is to know which ones you can please and which ones you can never please.

Never feel embarrassed.  Embarrassment is a one sided emotion and all one sided emotions are useless.  Sometimes love can be one sided, but love doesn't need to be returned.  I love a lot of things that are incapable of loving me back.  For instance, I love the wilds of nature, but nature can be quite dangerous at times.  I love chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream, and I don't think that it actually loves me back but it does make me feel gooooood.

I have learned that you don't always get wiser with age, although you do have a lot more past experiences to help you make the right decisions.

I could go on and on and on, but I don't want to bore you, so I will say goodnight for now.  Now, you have a great day, what is left of it, and a better day tomorrow, you hear?


  1. I agree with everything, except I think I've grown wiser with age. Maybe the wisdom is so tied up with past experiences I can't really tell, but I really try to acquire more of it.

    1. The older one gets the more he or she has experienced and if they learn from that experience, then they are wise.

  2. I also agree with everything you said. However, I think I am wiser now than when I was younger, cuz there sure are a lot of things I would change if I could have a "do over". Maybe I have really learned from past mistakes. Good post.

    1. If there are things you would change, then that makes you wiser now than when you were younger.

  3. Some of the most hurtful things of my past I wouldn't change because then I wouldn't be where I am today.... I am fortunate that even my most painful relationship gave me beautiful kids and insight into life that helps me deal with today. If I'm lucky, I still learn something new every day.

    1. You have a great attitude, especially wanting to learn something new every day. Don't ever change and don't ever let anyone put you down.
