Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fixodent and Rollerblades.

When you bump into a tree with your car and get a dent in the fender, you take it to the body shop to get it fixed.  Or you can just buy a tube of Fixodent?  If you are quite accident prone, maybe you should carry a case of Fixodent in the trunk.

Rollerblades are ice-skates that have rollers instead of blades on the bottom.  Roller-skates have four wheels on each foot consisting of two pairs, one in front and one at the rear, whereas rollerblades have three or four wheels in a straight line on each foot.  So why are they called blades?  The wheels are not as sharp as a knife blade
but they do resemble ice-skates.  I guess that is why they call them roller blades.

If I wanted to, I could go on and on, but it is getting late and I want to get this posted.  Feel free to add your own comments and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I had no idea Fixodent had other uses! I learn something new every day from your blog.

  2. Hahaha - Fixodent. That was a good one. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter.

    1. Thanks, don't know why I thought of that use for it. Thank you for the Easter wishes. You know at my age I can hide my own Easter eggs, don't you? I think I will eat them and forget about hiding them.

  3. Replies
    1. I have had to get dents fixed a few times. Hail is one thing that is hard to out run.

  4. You know you are old when you call an archeologist instead of a doctor for help when you feel bad.

    1. Yep, that is for sure. All my old doctors have passed away and I had to find new young ones. The young ones don't seem to understand me as well as the old ones did. So, maybe I need to see an archeologist. . .
