Sunday, April 30, 2017

Crash At Flea Market.

We had a little excitement at the flea market today.  My wife was set up this weekend and I stayed with her today.  All was going along as usual until we heard a loud bang a few tables down toward the entrance and the highway.  I figured that there was a wreck out on the road, maybe someone pulled out in traffic and got hit.

I decided to take a walk down that way since we were set up not far from the entrance.  It was not out on the road.  Someone smashed into a vendor's van, his tables, and was stopped by a steel H-beam post that supported part of the roof.  Here is a picture that I took:

That created a real mess.  Tables and sale items all over the place.  Aisle walkway blocked.  The policeman on duty there called it in and a firetruck and an ambulance and of course, more police showed up.  The driver had some kind of seizure and his foot floored the gas peddle, so the driver was the only one that needed treatment.  It sure could have been a lot worse if  he had not hit that pole, which stopped the car.  The aisles on the other side of those tables were full of people; men, women, and children.  Hate to think what would have happened if he had not hit that pole first.  That kind of excitement I can do without.  Now you all drive carefully, walk alertly, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. How awful for everyone involved. I'm glad you weren't in the direct line. You'd think a flea market is a fairly safe place to spend an afternoon!

    1. It always has been. Of course sometimes there are some arguments over the price of something, but this was very unexpected.

  2. I hope everyone involved is OK. Never know when an accident can happen and ruin everyone's day!

    1. Yes, I believe everyone is OK except the driver who had the seizure. The fellow who owned the stuff on the tables and the van that got hit, was not too happy about the event. In fact, he was down right mad.

  3. Boy that sure could have been a lot worse indeed. The vendor should be happy he wasn't standing on that side of his table.

    1. The vendor was sitting in that van and his better half was behind the tables but thankfully, off to the side a bit. It sure did shake them up.

  4. Good thing only the driver way hurt, like you said could have been much worse.

    1. Yep, although it was bad enough, it sure could have been a lot worse.

  5. Wow, thank goodness that I-beam was there. That could have been quite disastrous. I hope the driver wasn't hurt to badly and that everyone else is okay.

    1. I would think that someone with the type of medical condition that has, should not be driving. Having said that, I sure don't want the state telling me I can't drive.

  6. Yikes! Glad it wasn't worse. Something similar happened where I live a few years back, medical incident that caused the driver to crash into a bank. Hope next flea market is less eventful!

    1. That was a little out of the ordinary. I always have fun chatting with the vendors at the flea market. This is quite a large market, so I don't get the chance to talk to all of them. There are hundreds of them.
