Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Pretty Volunteers

Out next to what used to be our garden, a big patch of volunteer wildflowers are blooming.  Ain't they beautiful?   Just look at all the colors that flower has!!!  Yellow around the edges and in the middle, a gradual blending from yellow to pink as you look in past the edges, and dark red with spots of greed ringing the bright yellow center.

I have posted pictures similar to these before, but the beauty of nature should be viewed again and again and again.

This squirrel (and a lot of other ones) are trying to figure out how to get over or around that jug on the pole leading to the bird feeder.  Probably next time I see him sitting there, he will have glider wings attached to his back. . .

I went back and looked over some of my old blog posting and realized that I was a much better writer back then.  Of course I had more subjects to write about that I had not yet used.  Now, most every subject I think about, I have already made a posting of it, so I have to dig deeper.  The pictures on this blog posting are recent, but have posted similar before.  So, I hope I have not bored you too much, but have a great day, you hear?


  1. Don't worry. It is always a new side show when you write! he he he

    1. I try to make it a carnival or circus (grin)

  2. Love those flowers! My grandpa spent years trying to outsmart squirrels, I am sure he could patent one of his bird feeder squirrel stopper contraptions.
    Also I have only been reading blogs and blogging for a few months so it's all new to me!

    1. I started blogging back on 07-16-2010. posted a couple of thousand blogs, so this feeble old brain of mine can't remember all of them.

  3. The variety of colors in that one flower is amazing! I tried to outsmart the squirrels for years but in the end they always won and got to the bird feeder. They are clever and it would be interesting to know their thinking process.

    1. So far, the plastic jug has them stumped. Hope our squirrels are not as smart as yours.

  4. Love the flowers we have them here to. Wish they would sprout out in my yard.
    I wouldn't worry about who remembers what at least me for sure I've forgotten more than I can remember

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I believe that a brain is like a bucket. It can only hold so much and if you want to add more you have to remove something.

  5. I love those wildflowers. Their colors are just so joyful. We have some squirrels that are keeping us amused as they they keep trying to find new ways to get at our bird feeder. So far the baffles are working great.

    1. I even saw one try to jump to it and he almost made it.

  6. Tips For Growing Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)

    Gaillardia (Blanket Flower) is a long-blooming native wildflower that is easy-to-grow and provides ample nectar for butterflies. It's resistant to browsing rabbits and deer.
