Monday, May 8, 2017

One Small Step. . .

One small step.  I remember watching the first man step on the moon, Neil Alden Armstrong, on black and white TV way back in 1969.  When he first stepped out onto the moon's surface, he said, "A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind".

Saturday, coming home from the flea market where she had rented a table for the weekend to set up and sell some of her stuff, my wife went up the stairs to get on the deck at home.  No problem so far.  At the entrance to the side door, there is a raised platform about seven inches higher than the rest of the deck that wraps around from the side of the house to the rear and down to the screened in back porch and rear entrance.  When she tried to step up on this raised portion, she didn't get her foot far enough onto it and she twisted both her ankle and her knee, falling to the side scraping her arm (took a chunk out of it) and breaking a plastic flower pot with her head.  Yep, with the help of our daughter-in-law, we got her to the emergency room at Memorial Hermann hospital down I-45 toward Houston in the Woodlands.  There we spent a big part of Saturday night.  They did treat us very well, but of course they were quite busy.

Well, at least she didn't have glass slippers on.  See, it could have been worse.  Like my Dad always said that "nothing is so bad it can't get worse".  Now she is making the best of the situation by staying in bed and having me play nurse.  I guess I need a white uniform and one of those cute white hats that they wear.

She will be seeing a surgeon later this week to see if he can re-attach the torn ligaments and tendons.  It would have been better if she had broken a bone (X-ray showed no fractures).  Bones heal faster than tendons and ligaments and they are easier to fix.  If that is the case, maybe I will have to get more than one nurse outfit.  What do you think?  Now, you all try not to fall and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'd say just provide some TLC and don't worry about the hat! I am so sorry to hear about what happened and hope maybe it will heal faster than they think.

    1. She is still in a lot of pain and will not take the pain medicine that the hospital prescribed for her. Instead she takes Tylenol and Aspirin, both every six hours but offset by three hours.

  2. Oh Dizzy (and Dusty) I am so sorry. I have been out of the blogging loop so long. I hope everything gets better soon and all is well.

    1. I guess you have been having too much fun to take time to post. Believe it or not, there are things more important that blogging.

  3. I am very sorry she has had that accident. I am very experienced with tendon repair from a bike wreck in 2005. My recovery after surgery ran into the range of six months. Please take great care of her, she is worth it.

    1. She likes things to be done NOW, so that is not good news for her but it was expected to take quite some time to heal.

  4. Said a prayer for your wife, Dizzy.

    1. Thanks Gorges, prayer can work wonders, for sure.

  5. So sorry to read this about your good wife. Yes you may need more than one nurses outfit. Wishing her well and hoping all goes well with the Surgeon. The pain is real

  6. Sorry for the mishap...Hope she mends quickly.

    1. We hope so, too, but tendons take longer to heal than broken bones.

  7. I am so sorry to hear that your wife fell and hurt herself. Give her a big hug from me and tell her I will pray she heals quickly. Better sharpen up your "homemaker" skills and get a second uniform - it may be a while before she is back on her feet. Good luck at the surgeons office.

    1. I don't mind cooking but I like eating a lot more. Now I have both sides of the double sink filled with pots, pans, dishes, etc. that need to be washed.

  8. Oh muy that does not sound good. Hope the surgery goes well and she recovers quickly, I bet you make a cute nurse.

    1. No, not cute but of course I haven't put on my nurses outfit yet (grin).

  9. Oh dear! Wishing your wife a speedy recovery! Take hear? :)

    1. It will take some time. By then, I should become a good home-maker.

  10. I am so sorry to hear that but glad that at least you and your daughter-in-law were there to get her up and take her to the ER.

    Lately I have found another use for my ice chest...they can hold dirty dishes and no one is the wiser.

    1. I need to dig out my ice chest. Now, why did you have to remind me that I have dishes to do.

  11. Really sorry about your wife's misstep. I'm glad it wasn't worse, even though it was bad. We never know when these things are going to pop up. Here's hoping for a quick recovery and some pain relief for the wife.

    1. She got her appointment moved up to tomorrow, and she also made arrangements for an ambulance to take her to it and back. That makes things a lot easier on her. They come in our home with a gurney and take her out to the ambulance. Am hoping everything goes well.
