Monday, May 15, 2017

Update on Wife's Condition.

My wife is in bed suffering with lots of pain.  Her knee is not near as bad as her ankle, but both are extremely painful for her.  She refuses to take any strong pain medication, so Tylenol is what she has been taking instead.   The people mover cart or what ever you call it, has come in quite handy.  I push it up next to the bed and she slowly gets into it and I push it into the bathroom.  Don't know what we would do without it.

At the end of the visit to the emergency room, they made an appointment for her to return and see a surgeon.  The had wrapped up her leg and used stiffeners to keep it straight.  That would make it very difficult for her to get into my Jeep Liberty so we had an ambulance service take her down and bring her back.  That was quite expensive but the easiest way for her to travel.  They (the ambulance service) will return to take her down for her next appointment, if not called out on an emergency.  The third trip, second trip in the ambulance, should be covered by Medicare, we hope.

I have been chief cook and bottle washer, more cook than washer.  This new job of mine, nurse, servant, cook, and dish washer has been keeping me quite busy.  Sorry that I haven't updated my blog before this.

The pups know something is amiss.  The male pup stays with her all the time and the two girls have been moping around but all three of them have been eating well.  OK, you are updated as of now and I will try to post again real soon.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. So sorry Dizzy. Dogs know. My wife stayed at our son's to recover from a skin cancer operation and their dog would not leave her side, day or night. Funny because neither of them liked each other under normal circumstances.

  2. I am so glad to get an update. Thank goodness for the ambulance service - really necessary in a situation like this. My best wishes for you both.

  3. Sorry to hear your wife is still in so much pain. But she must be pretty tough to not want to take the pain relievers. I hope she gets some relief soon. I know you are taking good care of her too.

  4. Too much Tylenol is tough on the liver. You might want to consider some of the natural pain killers.

  5. Poor dear. It is very painful. Healing is slow. Gotta love those dogs!

    As for cooking, have you ever tried Schwan's food delivery? Their food is pretty good and makes it so much easier. Some of it is pretty expensive, but you don't have to leave her to go shopping and it can be a fill in for days you don't know what to fix.

  6. Dies not sind like a lot of fun for your wife at all, at least you are there to fill in an help her out, keep you outta trouble ya know.

  7. If you "google" natural pain relief for pulled torn tendon" you will get some suggestions which may be helpful. Here is just one of them:

    Internal things would be antioxidant herbs like ginger, oregano, and pain relief from willow bark, etc. I haven't researched it, but there seems to be a lot of info on the internet from people who have dealt with the problem and from health practitioners.

    Of course, you can research this in all your "spare time" between meals and dishes.

  8. You are such a trooper. I am sure your wife really appreciates all you are doing for her. I know I would be very appreciative to my hubby. That ambulance sounds like a godsend. So glad they will do that for you. Hang in there - we are all "rooting" for you. Thanks for the update.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear of the continuing difficulties but I know deep down that it will get better!

  10. My friend, I can only hope that the wife continues to heal. Thanks the Lord that she has you to watch over her. My thoughts and prayers go out to her, and to you for just being there!

  11. Oh Dizzy and Mrs. Dizzy,
    I'm so sorry this happened. Hopefully things will improve fast. Dizzy, you must post a photo in your nurses uniform.

  12. Thanks for a the well wishes. My wife is still in a lot of pain and waiting to see the surgeon at the end of the week. So far, she has been able to eat some of my cooking.

  13. Thank you for the update. Believe me I know what you are going through. Take care of yourself as well or you will be of no use to her if you both get sick.

    Sending positive thoughts and energy your way.

  14. Thanks MsB. Positive thoughts are always good.

  15. OOOO WOW, Im way behind, just thot about yall and looked in, and find out about your new job....Bet youre really cute with that nurses hat, and that long beard...hahahah. I remember how bad my ankle hurt when i twisted it a long time ago, so she really has to be in a lot of pain with that AND the knee! Im so so sorry to hear it, and ill keep you both in my prayers.

    1. Yep, I wear part nurse, part cook, and part go-fer uniforms. I even went and did the shopping today.

  16. We are sorry to hear about your wife, hope all heals quickly. That pain is a bear to put up with, it never takes a day off. We wish her a Speedy recovery.

    1. Yes, and she refuses to take any pain medication stronger than Tylenol or Aspirin. Not sure yet what they can do for her, if anything. She is supposed to get an MRI tomorrow. It will not be fun getting there, but our Grandson said he would come pick her up and help get her to the doctor.
