Saturday, May 20, 2017

Another Trip to the Hospital.

The hospital had made an appointment for my wife to get an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).  This was the third trip to that hospital and the third person to take her.  The first was our daughter-in-law, the second was by ambulance, and the last was our grandson.  He had a wheel chair with him and that worked out al lot better than the rolling seat with the little wheels that she has been using in the house.

The one nice thing was that it gave us a chance to talk to our grandson.  He works all over the world and I believe that he said he has been in every continent except Antarctica and most all the countries.  He made the wait go by faster with his stories and the pictures on his phone.  We also talked about hunting and he showed me pictures of some of the game he has recently bagged.

In case you haven't guessed it, we still have not heard from the hospital and she is still flat on her back.  So far, my cooking hasn't made her any worse.  And yes, I am still trying to run our household and do some of the chores.  You did notice that I said "some" of the chores.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I hope they get everything figured out with your wife and both of your lives get back to normal. Said a prayer for you both.

    1. Thanks Gorges. She is getting quite tired of all the medical profession's run-a-round.

  2. Prayers from me, too, for both your wife and you. Some tests take longer, and that's frustrating. As long as the results are good, it'll be worth it.🤚

    1. Yes, it will all be worth it but so far, she is still in quite a lot of pain. Glad my Grandson was with us. We got a really good visit. I don't get to see him all that often.

  3. This has gone on for so long it doesn't speak well for the medical system. I just hope it is something they will fix after all the waiting - it must be awful to have to lie flat on your back. You take good care of her, ya hear! Seriously, I feel so bad for both of you. Glad the wait went easier being with your grandson. He sounds like a real good guy.

    1. Our male dog stays right by her side. He is "her" dog and he protects her. He does allow me to take care of her, too.

  4. Like I keep telling a friend of mine it can't be really bad news if they haven't gotten back to you yet. I don't believe a word I am telling her but don't want to frighten her more than she already is. BTW it the VA.

    1. Maybe they haven't figured out yet how to get more money out of us, do you think?

  5. I sure hope you get some answers too. I'll be praying for you both. I am sure your wife appreciates all your hard work on her behalf.

    1. She does appreciate it. One always does the best they can to take care of the ones that they love.

  6. Guess it kinda shows how one innocent miss-stop can turn our lives upside down in an instant. Wishing your wife and yourself all the best and hope that injury soon heals to free you up from your house chores:))

    1. That is for sure. It shows us just how fragile life is.

  7. I sincerely hope you hear from your wife's doctor soon, it can not be soon enough for her I'm sure.

    My best to you both.

  8. I hope the wife continues to get better and starts to get a little relief from the pain! I'm glad the grandson was there.
