Friday, May 26, 2017

Past Time to Update.

It has been awhile since I updated.  The doctor's office called and said to make an appointment to get the results.  Asked to get the results over the phone since it is hard to get her to the doctor's office.  Of course they wouldn't do that.  I guess they just wanted a little more money out of us.

So, she called our grandson again and to our great pleasure, he showed up with his better half and our beautiful and happy great grandson.  That made the trip down and back all that much better.  I believe I have mentioned a few times in some past blog postings just how cute that little guy is.  You just have to love that little guy!!  Although this wasn't a pleasure trip, they made it as pleasant as possible.

OK, the news is that she has two fractures.  There is a bone in her ankle that is broken along with another bone in her knee.  She said, "see, I told you I broke something".  It will be a long healing process.  The doc wrote a prescription for a wheel chair, which we purchased on the way home.  Now, she has that cart with small wheels for inside the house and the wheelchair for all other times.    She can't get around by herself in the cart, but will be able to do so with the wheelchair.  Our grandson took measurements and said he will be back with the lumber to build an outside ramp to get to the front door.  Things are looking up.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. So good to have family around to help out in trying times! All our best wishes to your wife, she will be up and around in no time!

    1. We are hoping she will be up in no time but we also realize that bones don't heal over night.

  2. My best wishes to your wife & you during this healing time.

    1. Thank you, Rob. I just have to learn how to do more than one thing at a time (grin).

  3. Wow, two wonderful things in this post -

    One, your wife's bones will heal. It might take time, but all I care about when I've got something going on is, will I heal from this? If yes, then I'm good - and happy.

    The second thing is that you have such a wonderful, caring, talented grandson! And his wife, too, for being there and being a part of this process. And of course their little guy is just the bright ribbon on the package!

    These things aren't easy, but we get through them, and it looks like your wife, and you, will get through this and come out the other side with everything being fine, and some great visits with family. All in all, good news, don't you think? Keep us posted, please. :)

    1. Yes, really enjoyed the great grandson and his family. And yes, it was great news to hear that the surgeon decided not to operate but since the bones were lined up, let them heal by themselves.

  4. Diz, you just have to learn to be the man and woman of the house all in one! You're a champ and just hang in there.

    I hope the healing continues and you both get through these trying times.

    1. Yep, I have to be the man and women for awhile and quit being the big baby. . .

  5. I hate the news, but at least you have the information. Said a prayer for all of you.

    1. Yes, we always want to know what is wrong. Thanks for the prayer, that always works. Be well, Mr. Smythe.

  6. Yall will learn to make the best of this,,, i know you will. AND,, you will learn all kinds of new things,,, lololol

    1. We are both trying to make the best of this situation. And yes, I am leaning a lot of new things. . .

  7. IF IT'S ANY HELP, my physical therapist explained to me that having a hip or knee replacement is 80% LESS painful than my shoulder replacement surgery. I always feared having knee or hip problems at my age. I didn't fear the shoulder surgery, yet I'm in month seven with no use of my arm. You are SO lucky to have family members nearby, willing to help. Joe has happily cleaned the house twice a week, but cooking is NOT something he can do, but he does open cans and helps by stirring the pot. I can't even do that. I'm amazed at how long it takes to get casts or other medical procedures done that used to be done immediately.

    1. The more test they and make and the longer they can prolong the fix, the more money they can make. That is my opinion.

  8. At least they won't have to do surgery that is something to be thankful for. I guess they have put a cast on her by know. The wheel chair will help to get your wife around a bit. Such a great grandson and granddaughter in law to be helping out and the of course that sweet baby to bring smiles all around

    1. No, they didn't put a cast on it. They just said don't put any weight on that foot, as if she needed to be told that...

    2. They did, however, put a fabric sleeve with stiffeners on the side to keep her from bending her knee. That makes it rather hard to get around. I put her in the wheel chair but have watch out for that leg that sticks straight.

  9. So glad your grandson was able to help you out; makes the visit more palatable, especially with the great-grandson along. Thankfully it is only broken bones and nothing worse. Praying for healing for your wife and for you also. Have a Happy Memorial Day.

    1. Thank you Linda. And a Happy Memorial Day to you and yours, too.
