Thursday, March 30, 2017

You Did What?!?!

I bet the 911 operators get some odd and crazy calls.  I was just thinking of a possible one.  A fellow calls in and said that he has just killed an intruder that was threatening his family.  Of course the 911 operator wants some more details, like "how did you kill the intruder?".  The fellow told her that he used his son's toy BB gun.  She says that it would be impossible for him to kill the bad guy with his son's toy BB gun.  The guy says that it was the closest weapon and it got the job done.

Of course, the 911 operator still didn't believe him and kept pushing him for more details.  The guy says "You would believe me if you saw all the blood all over my son's BB gun that I used to beat the fellow to death with.  So, some times even things that sound absurd or even impossible just may be true.

I saw this statement on the internet, "More people are killed each year by dishwashers than by sharks."  At first that statement sounded absurd to me but when I thought about it for awhile, it made a lot of sense.  I would guess that over 90 percent of the people in this country have had some close contact with a dishwasher (either mechanical or human) but very, very few have had close contact with a live shark.

People also alter their bodies.  In 2015, $13.5 billion was spent by Americans for aesthetic procedures.  Most all of them, I would surmise, were done on people who really didn't need anything changed.  They were just vain or insecure and wanted to be something they weren't.  Some really needed the surgery.  Me?  I would rather be ugly than have an operation and spend all that money.  Other people alter their looks in the opposite way, by deforming, tattooing, cutting and scarring, etc.  I think that we all should try to make the best of the way we were born and only physically change your body if there are extreme problems that inhibit you from getting through life.  Go on a diet, work out, and if you are a man, grow a beard.  I grew a beard and long hair to take people's attention away from my ugliness.  Of course you all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Of course all my readers are handsome and beautiful and I want you all to have a great day, you hear?

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

When it Rains. . . etc.

It has been a very rainy day here in East Texas.  Of course, you all understand, that everything in Texas is big.  Check out this picture of the Texas Highway Patrol chasing a speeder:

Sometimes you have to walk your dog in the rain, but when it really rains hard, you can take you pet fish for a walk: 

There are days when I thought I heard Noah building an ark:

As we age, we get to be better weather predictors:

Sometimes we also get tornadoes.  In fact, there was one that showed up on the weather Doppler Radar this morning:

 But most of all, it gets hot here in the summer, really hot:

That is enough about the weather.  Here is a scene that happened in a doctor's office.  I bet there are some of you that can emphasize with this last cartoon: 

Well, the rain has stopped for now but it is still cloudy.  You
know that in everyone's life some rain must fall.  Now, rain or shine, you all have a great day, you hear?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wondering About Art

I like and appreciate good art.  In fact, I have even tried painting and drawing.  I loved to draw pictures when I was young and  now after I got old, I prefer painting.  I posted pictures of my paintings on several of my blog postings but this one is shows a good example (click here).

The world without the arts, like paintings, music, poetry, etc. would be a mighty dull place.  I think this picture says it all:

There are a lot of funny signs out there like the one above.  I will show you just a few of them below:

OK, I have a cousin who lives in West Virginia and she is divorced.  I guess I will have to ask her that question next time I talk to here.

The sign below is the last of this series.  Great name for a beauty salon I would say.  If I had to go to one of those salons and spas, I think I would curl up and die (grin).

Well, I hope these signs put a grin on your faces, they did make me grin, for sure.  Now don't curl up and die, but rather have a great day, you hear?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Some Laughs for Friday

We all like to laugh, so I thought for this Friday's post I will just search for some funny stuff that I can post.  Hope at least some of them tickle your funny bone.

This first one is for my cousin who just loves blonde jokes.  This one is for you Carol:
In case you have trouble reading the above, it says: "Dear, if you're gonna pad your bra with Kleenex, take them out of the box first".

Typical wife insisting that her husband should quit leaving his clothes laying around all over the place.  You know, leaving the leaves.

The origins of computers, they were not made by man but evolved on their own.  Yea, right.
Mankind has always been protected by guardian angels, but with some of the safety features we have come up with has made their jobs so much easier:  

Well, that is it for today.  I hope I at least made you grin and make sure you have a great day, you hear?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

It is a Strange Universe.

This universe we live in is a strange place.  It is a place where clocks run at different speeds, places where gravity is so strong that light can't escape, unimaginable collapsed stars that are very, very, very huge diamonds, a planet where its day is longer than its year, the moon is moving away us, the sun's rays that warms you are really old, and the stuff that makes up the universe.

Clocks run at different speeds - yep, but not enough to really interfere with most of us, but if you are a jet pilot, his watch would lag behind yours.  As the speeds increase, they lag even more, so satellites and space flights have to take that lag into account.

Large dying stars collapse into black holes.  Black holes are the strangest things in the universe.  Some of these dying stars are so very huge that they collapse into a very huge diamond.  Just don't tell your girlfriend about them.
The above picture represents a collapsed star that measures  2485 miles (4000 km) across and that has a core made up of 10 billion trillion carats or more.

The planet Venus will complete an entire orbit around the sun before it rotates once on its axis.  That really helps heating that place up.

The moon moves almost one and a half inches away from the Earth every year.  Someday it will break loose from the Earth's gravity and take off on its own.  That will mess up the tides and moonlight walks.

It only takes light eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles from the sun to earth, but it took that same light 30,000 years to get from the core of the sun to its surface.

What stuff do you think makes up our universe?  Well, it is mostly empty space, but there are ten billion trillion (10 followed by 21 zeros) stars.  So, there are more stars than grains of sand on Earth!!  Ain't this universe wonderfully strange?  Now, enjoy living here and have a great day, you hear?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wondering About the Word "WAVE".

What did you first think of when you read the word "WAVE" in the title of this blog posting?  That word has a lot of different meaning.  I first thought of radio waves, since I am an amateur radio operator, but that is only one kind.  I would also wave at you when I see you

Waves can be defined by what medium they travel through. The two basic waves are mechanical and electromagnetic.  When you throw a stone into the still waters of a pond, that ring of waves that are produced are mechanical.  Mechanical waves need some sort of medium to travel through, whether it be liquid or solid.  Electromagnetic waves do not need any media to travel through.  That is why they can travel through space and we can converse with the astronauts on the moon.

Without ocean waves what would the surfers do?  Without ladies wanting waves in their hair, beauticians and hair stylists would have nothing to do.  Without audio waves we would have trouble talking to each other.  Without electronic waves I couldn't write this blob on my computer nor could I post it on the internet where you can access it through waves and then read it on your computer.  OK, now I will wave goodbye and hope you all have a great day, you hear?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Wondering About Tobor the Robot.

I was remembering some TV shows that I watched when I was a kid growing up.  One of my very favorite was Captain Video.  OK, I am giving my age away again because Captain Video was on the air from June of 1949 through April 1955.  It was estimated that there were 1537 episodes of that show.  It aired Monday through Saturday and I bet I saw almost all of those shows except maybe some of the very first ones.  I am trying to remember when we got our first TV.  There was only a couple of TV stations available, so we didn't have all that many choices north of Pittsburgh.  So, of course the first TV broadcast came from that city.  The channel we watched was WDTY.  What?  You never heard of that channel?  Well, it later became KDKA.

Now, back to the main subject.  On the show, Captain Video, one of the evil characters was a robot that was put together backwards.  So, instead of being a great help to humans (which it was supposed to be), it became humankind's nemesis.  Even the name stamped on it was backwards.  It was supposed to say ROBOT, but when stamped backwards it read TOBOR, and that is where it got its name, Tobor the Robot.  Here are some pictures:

Dave Ballard played Tobor in the Captain Video series.  Tobor was quite tall so it would take a tall man to play that part.  Dave Ballard was 7'- 6" tall, so he was perfect for the part.  As you can see from a couple of the pictures above that have people with the robot, that it was quite tall.  That made it even scarier.  Now, don't get chased by any bad robots but have a great day, you hear?   

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spring Wild Flowers.

I went out and walked around the yard yesterday.  I saw a lot of Spring wild flowers blooming all over the place and of course, I had to come in and get my camera.  I figured that I would post them on my blog and that is just what I am going to do.

Spring time is always pretty with splashes of color from wild flowers all over the place.  OK everyone, today is a good day to take time to smell the flowers and have a great day, you hear?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Beware of the Ides of March

Oh my, today is the Ides of March.  Watch your back, especially if you are an emperor.  OK, how many of you know what the "ides" mean?  First of all, let me tell when the ides are.  The "Ides" fall on the 15th of March, May, July, and October but on all the other months, it falls on the 13th.

The saying, "beware of the ides of March" came from Shakespeare in his play "Julius Caesar".  That was the date that Caesar's enemies, some senators who must not have agreed with the way he was running things, planned on killing him.

Of course, other important things happened on this date, also as they do on every day.  Andrew Jackson (1767), Jimmy Swaggart (1935), Fabio (1961), and lots of others were born on this date.  Of course lots of people died on this date, also.  Elizabeth Taylor, Lloyd Bridges, Aristotle Onassis, and others.  CBS cancelled the "ED Sullivan Show" (1971).  I could go on and on but the point is, that on any day, there have been good and bad, huge and tiny, funny and sad, mysterious and expected things happen every day of every year.  So, just live today and have a good one, you hear?

Friday, March 10, 2017


Hiccups run in my family.  My Grandad would get hiccups that would last and last and last, sometimes for weeks.  A couple of times, his doctor said that they would have to operate and cut the nerve that controls them.  They would always quit at the last minute and he never had the operation.

Yes, I get hiccups also, but they never last very long, maybe a few minutes.  Lately I have been having a hiccup.  Yep, just one.  I will be sitting here and all of a sudden I go "HIC" quite loudly.  No hiccups just one lone, loud hic.  So, what do you call that?  It can't be hiccups, because that word is plural. So you see, I just get a hiccup.  Now, sip some water and hold your breath and try not to go "hic", but have a great day, you hear?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

For My Best Friends In Pennsylvania.

After posting my blog yesterday about how old I am by what I remember when young, I got an email from my very best friends in Pennsylvania that said "I love it when you post the photo of the ’57 Chevy.  It reminds me of when all of us were young."  So, to keep them remembering when they were young, here is an old picture of me in my 1957 Chevy convertible.  Eat your heart out and try not to slobber on your keyboard (grin).

Dang, I would go back to those bygone days in a blink of an eye.  This is the only picture that I have of my car that I can find.  By the way, it had a white top and red interior.  I put a 1960 souped up V8 engine in it.  The engine had a full race cam and solid lifters.  When it was sitting there idling, it sounded like a thrashing machine.  And yes, it was F A S T. . .  Have a good evening, you hear?

Saturday, March 4, 2017

How Old Am I?

How old am I, you may ask.  Well, let me tell you.  I am so old that when I was young, there were no such things as aged cheese or antiques.  Yep, I am getting on up there.  The following are some quotes I found on the internet.  I hope you enjoy them:

****** I'm so old that I have used Preparation A thru G. . .

Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving. Author Unknown

He’s so old that when he orders a three-minute egg, they ask for the money up front. George Burns

When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick. George Burns

You know you’re getting old when you get that one candle on the cake. It’s like, “See if you can blow this out.” Jerry Seinfeld

Ok, that is enough from the internet.  I will go back to my own stories, just thought I would insert the above published jokes to give you a break in my stuff.

I am so old I remember rotary dial telephones, party lines, and operators.

I am so old that I remember steam locomotives on the railroad.

I am so old that I remember when they had the first hunting season for deer using archery (bows and arrows)  only, no firearms.

I remember learning to drive a car with a manual transmission; my Grandfather's 1940 Ford.

I am so old I owned a 1957 Chevy Convertible.

I am so old that I remember. .  I remember. . I remember. . ?  Well, maybe I don't remember quite as well as I used to.  Now, reminisce about the good old days but also have a great day today, you hear?

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dogs are Great!!

Dogs are great!!  If you are a reader of my blog postings, you know that we have three Shih-Tzu dogs that share our home and our lives.  They are a huge part of our family.  My wife cooks food for them, making sure they get the nutrition and that it tastes good.  I have been known to swipe a few bites of it and I can attest that it is really tasty.  She starts out with ground turkey and adds veggies and pasta and such to it.

But other than our special pups, there have also been a lot of great dogs in history.  Click on the following link and read about some of them.  They will surprise you, make you laugh, and even bring a tear to your eye.

And just in case that isn't enough dog pictures, here are some funny ones:

This next picture is of a dog trying to the right thing:

 Do your dogs meditate?  Mine don't, they just sleep a lot.

My pups usually sleep all night.  If I hear a strange noise, I have to get up and look, the dogs don't wake up.  They seem to know when it is time to wake up and fight or flight and stay sleeping and let the stupid human check for what goes bump in the night.

Now you know I like to sit and rock in my rocker/recliner.  In case you want me to get up and do something productive, see the picture below for my answer:

Now, that dog above is quite smart and has itself a great place to rest.  If it doesn't like the scenery, the ass will take it somewhere else. . . maybe.  Now, I hope you have had your doggie fix for today, and that the rest of your day will be great!!