Friday, March 10, 2017


Hiccups run in my family.  My Grandad would get hiccups that would last and last and last, sometimes for weeks.  A couple of times, his doctor said that they would have to operate and cut the nerve that controls them.  They would always quit at the last minute and he never had the operation.

Yes, I get hiccups also, but they never last very long, maybe a few minutes.  Lately I have been having a hiccup.  Yep, just one.  I will be sitting here and all of a sudden I go "HIC" quite loudly.  No hiccups just one lone, loud hic.  So, what do you call that?  It can't be hiccups, because that word is plural. So you see, I just get a hiccup.  Now, sip some water and hold your breath and try not to go "hic", but have a great day, you hear?


  1. I sometimes get 2 or 3 hiccups, but never just one. It would be awful to have them for any length of time.

    1. I always got them in groups of 4 to 6 or so, but just recently, I have been doing one big one at a time.

  2. Hiccups for weeks? That'd drive me crazy! I find that if I get them, I'll get them for a few minutes a few times in the same day then they stop. Same with eye twitches!

  3. Yes Jenn, he had them for weeks at a time and it made him very weak.

  4. Boy, that is really strange. Guess one at a time is better than ones that last for weeks, though. I wonder what causes them?

    1. Maybe it is because I am country hick who loves the woods. Yep, I am a big hick.

  5. That has happened to me also, just one hiccup. A hiccup is a spasm in your diaphragm. Why that happens nobody knows.

    1. I thought it was strange to have only one hiccup.
