Sunday, March 5, 2017

For My Best Friends In Pennsylvania.

After posting my blog yesterday about how old I am by what I remember when young, I got an email from my very best friends in Pennsylvania that said "I love it when you post the photo of the ’57 Chevy.  It reminds me of when all of us were young."  So, to keep them remembering when they were young, here is an old picture of me in my 1957 Chevy convertible.  Eat your heart out and try not to slobber on your keyboard (grin).

Dang, I would go back to those bygone days in a blink of an eye.  This is the only picture that I have of my car that I can find.  By the way, it had a white top and red interior.  I put a 1960 souped up V8 engine in it.  The engine had a full race cam and solid lifters.  When it was sitting there idling, it sounded like a thrashing machine.  And yes, it was F A S T. . .  Have a good evening, you hear?


  1. You and the car look great. No wonder Mrs. Diz let you marry her!

    1. She was the one who sold it four hundred bucks.

  2. Nice looking car. The dude driving it isn't bad either.

    1. Now I drive a Jeep Liberty and I am an old man with a grey hair and a long grey beard. Yep, I look like something the cat dragged in.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Had a 62 corvette,327,white with red interior,never should have sold it,but I'm still alive.
