Of course, the 911 operator still didn't believe him and kept pushing him for more details. The guy says "You would believe me if you saw all the blood all over my son's BB gun that I used to beat the fellow to death with. So, some times even things that sound absurd or even impossible just may be true.
I saw this statement on the internet, "More people are killed each year by dishwashers than by sharks." At first that statement sounded absurd to me but when I thought about it for awhile, it made a lot of sense. I would guess that over 90 percent of the people in this country have had some close contact with a dishwasher (either mechanical or human) but very, very few have had close contact with a live shark.
People also alter their bodies. In 2015, $13.5 billion was spent by Americans for aesthetic procedures. Most all of them, I would surmise, were done on people who really didn't need anything changed. They were just vain or insecure and wanted to be something they weren't. Some really needed the surgery. Me? I would rather be ugly than have an operation and spend all that money. Other people alter their looks in the opposite way, by deforming, tattooing, cutting and scarring, etc. I think that we all should try to make the best of the way we were born and only physically change your body if there are extreme problems that inhibit you from getting through life. Go on a diet, work out, and if you are a man, grow a beard. I grew a beard and long hair to take people's attention away from my ugliness. Of course you all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Of course all my readers are handsome and beautiful and I want you all to have a great day, you hear?
Of course all my readers are handsome and beautiful and I want you all to have a great day, you hear?