Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wondering About the Word "WAVE".

What did you first think of when you read the word "WAVE" in the title of this blog posting?  That word has a lot of different meaning.  I first thought of radio waves, since I am an amateur radio operator, but that is only one kind.  I would also wave at you when I see you

Waves can be defined by what medium they travel through. The two basic waves are mechanical and electromagnetic.  When you throw a stone into the still waters of a pond, that ring of waves that are produced are mechanical.  Mechanical waves need some sort of medium to travel through, whether it be liquid or solid.  Electromagnetic waves do not need any media to travel through.  That is why they can travel through space and we can converse with the astronauts on the moon.

Without ocean waves what would the surfers do?  Without ladies wanting waves in their hair, beauticians and hair stylists would have nothing to do.  Without audio waves we would have trouble talking to each other.  Without electronic waves I couldn't write this blob on my computer nor could I post it on the internet where you can access it through waves and then read it on your computer.  OK, now I will wave goodbye and hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I first thought of a wave to say hello!

  2. To me a wave is what I go body surfing in, it's what I do to a fellow vw bus driver or someone I know when I pass bu them and when I really think about it it's what I see when I toss a stone into a still pond.
    With so many waves that I can actually see it's hard to think about the invisible ones going thru (or around) my body all the time.

    Maybe it's best that I don't think about all those invisible waves :-)

    1. Those invisible waves would be scary if we could see them.

  3. My very first thought was to wave hello or goodbye. Immediately after than, and I have no clue why, I thought of "the Wave" that people sometimes do at a game - you know - where you stand up and then immediately sit down, and the person next to you does it, so that from a distance it looks like a wave.

    1. I used to see "the Wave" at ball games but don't see that any more. Of course I don't watch very many ball games.

  4. My first thought was "ocean waves". However, you made some very good points about what a "wave" could all be. Interesting.

    1. I love ocean waves. The surf is a great place to play. But, yes, it has lots of meanings.

  5. A friend of ours, Erma, sent me an email giving me another meaning to the word WAVES. It was from WW2 when "Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service" were called WAVES. Thank you, Erma.
