Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spring Wild Flowers.

I went out and walked around the yard yesterday.  I saw a lot of Spring wild flowers blooming all over the place and of course, I had to come in and get my camera.  I figured that I would post them on my blog and that is just what I am going to do.

Spring time is always pretty with splashes of color from wild flowers all over the place.  OK everyone, today is a good day to take time to smell the flowers and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The last picture reminds me of strawberries.

    1. Yes they do and they do get some small red berries on them, but they are NOT strawberries.

  2. The flowers are so pretty and delicate looking.

    1. This is a pretty time of year around here. Everywhere I look, I see some wild flowers.

  3. We hope to see some when we get to Whitby Texas, later today.

    1. I am sure you will. Maybe not the same type of flowers, but there will be lots of wild flowers to brighten your journey.

  4. My neighbors have gone on a short road trip just to check out the wild flowers around here. I'm house sitting, but there is plenty to see around here as well!

    1. I have always said that there is beauty everywhere, all you have to do is look for it. Of course, some place you have to look a lot harder than other places.

  5. Love wild flowers and I should go out and find some last week I didn't see many and the ones I did see I couldn't pull over to get shots.

    1. I have 12 acres here and there are a lot of wild flowers on my property. I keep most of the acreage natural, only mowing about an acre and a half.

  6. Ah yes that good old Spring Tonic. 12 acres with lots of wildflowers sounds pretty darn nice to me.

    1. In the middle there is a lake/swamp. The frogs can sing quite loudly. Most of the rest is wooded.

    2. How I wish to hear the frogs speak again. The State created their silence. Your Shamrock with lavender flowers stunned me - wild flower! - that's delightful. Shamrocks are so easy to grow but not a 'wildflower' around this area. My original Shamrock plant is now 47 years old. I can just imagine with what contentment you live, DD. BTW, am I to assume you have snakes also? (shivvver)

    3. If that is a Shamrock, then they grow all over my place. And yes, of course, we have snakes, but I like snakes, too.

  7. Since we still have a snow covering here I can't smell the flowers. However, I sure can enjoy the pictures you posted of the wildflowers. Hopefully I can enjoy some blooms here real soon. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yep, Wisconsin doesn't warm up as soon as the Gulf Coast of Texas, but your time will come.

  8. It is the perfect time for sitting on the porch and looking at all the beautiful flowers that surround you.

    1. Yes, this is a nice time of year. The temps haven't gotten into the 90's yet.

  9. I love it when the spring flowers start to bloom. Almost all our snow is gone and hoping all the huge puddles dry up quick.
