Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wondering About Art

I like and appreciate good art.  In fact, I have even tried painting and drawing.  I loved to draw pictures when I was young and  now after I got old, I prefer painting.  I posted pictures of my paintings on several of my blog postings but this one is shows a good example (click here).

The world without the arts, like paintings, music, poetry, etc. would be a mighty dull place.  I think this picture says it all:

There are a lot of funny signs out there like the one above.  I will show you just a few of them below:

OK, I have a cousin who lives in West Virginia and she is divorced.  I guess I will have to ask her that question next time I talk to here.

The sign below is the last of this series.  Great name for a beauty salon I would say.  If I had to go to one of those salons and spas, I think I would curl up and die (grin).

Well, I hope these signs put a grin on your faces, they did make me grin, for sure.  Now don't curl up and die, but rather have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rob. My favorite was the low flying airplanes.

  2. There's a lot of prejudice and ignorance out there concerning West Virginia. You'd be amazed the people who honestly believe that road-kill is our main protein and that we don't wear shoes. I just figure such tales help keep out the riff-raff, except for the black drug dealers that keep coming down from Columbus, Ohio.

    1. Gorges, I have relatives that live in that state and I have been in and through it many, many times. I like West by God Virginia.

  3. I love those signs. Thanks for making me smile.

    1. One of my goals in life has been to cheer people up and put a smile on their faces. Glad it worked for you.

  4. Cool signs, small world we have a you friend who is a Hair Dresser at Curl up and Dye in Clarence New York.

    1. Wow, I would have never thought there was a real place with that name. Thanks for the info.
