Wondering about wild grapes

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wondering What Is Wrong with this Picture.

I got in a hurry the other day.  Pulled my boots on and something didn't feel right.  So I took a look and guess what?

I had started to pull the second one on before I realized that I had put the first one on the wrong foot.  Yep, I had the left boot on the right foot.  I can't figure out how I did that, except I have a wide short foot and therefore I have wide boots.
I got a good laugh at myself and took a picture.  Hey, if the boot fits, wear it!!  Well, it fit, but I wouldn't want to walk too far with them that way.  They didn't feel very comfortable at all.
Now, don't tell me you have never done anything stupid!!  I do stupid stuff all the time.  I figure you have to be real intelligent to do really stupid stuff.  So if that is the case, I must be pretty smart (grin).  Let me hear of some of the simple stupid stuff you have done.  I have done a lot of stupid stuff in my 71 years.  But no matter, just have a great day, you hear?


  1. Diz, you remind me of a 4-yr old with your boots on the wrong foot.

    I've put my underwear on backwards, inside out, worn sock from two different pairs (don't match), but ther worst is forgetting to put in my partial denture when I go out. It's just for the upper sides, so if I keep my mouth shut no one will notice!

    1. Oh, I am pretty good at doing stupid things. Most of the time my wife catches me before I get out the door if I am wearing stupid thing or missing something important.

  2. The stupidest thing I ever did was fall in love with trying to play golf.

    1. That is one thing I haven't fallen for. . . yet. I have way too many hobbies as it is.

    2. Impossible to have too many hobbies or toys.

    3. I have been told that before, but not by my wife.

  3. Back when I had a job, I wore a black shoe and a blue shoe... they were the same style and I didn't notice until I was in the elevator and happened to look down. ARG! But, the funniest was a fellow worker.. she came to work wearing high heels... only one was about an inch higher than the other. We never did figure out why it took her so long to notice ;-) My exhusband put toothpaste on his hair (for his flat top).. and the very same morning brushed his teeth with Brill creme.

    1. Did that gal with two different height heels walk in circles? I remember a guy I was talking to that said he started to brush his teeth with Ben Gay. That would be painful. . .

  4. nope, can't think of my ever having done anything stupid... nary a thing.

    I'm seriously thinking about doing something stupid for my 71st birthday but it will be intentional.

    Well, unless you consider waking up late, throwing on m'clothes and rushed to the bus stop and didn't see the usual commuters. Plus it was really dark outside. I caught the bus for work at 7am.

    These were days of the analog watches, you see and standing there being extremely irritated that the bus was LATE then noticing it was 7pm.

    I had taken a nap after work, glanced at the clock, said something like 6 or so ..,. JUMPED up omg'ing then realized it was 7pm at the bus stop.

    But other than that ...

  5. I have worn the same style heels, shoes, and sandals but of a different color. I wore different color socks, different color knee highs. I went out with tops and cardigans on inside out. Back when deodorant was spray, I put hairspray on my underarms and deodorant on my hair. I brushed my teeth this winter with premarin cream. (estrogen) That was gross.

    When I was about 18, back in the 60s, I put on a black bra and black blouse. When I changed my mind about wearing the blouse and wore a white one, I forgot to change my bra. Back then that was gross, not the style.

    I have two pair of shoes, one black and one white. I lost the L black shoe and tore up the R white shoe. So, on purpose I wear the mismatched pair of shoes in the yard ONLY. One day, I got in a store with this pair of shoes on and almost died of embarrassment trying to get out of the store.

    I have a talent!

    1. You and I sure do a lot of strange things. You think that mistake of wearing the black bra with a white blouse was what started that fad? Dang, that would make you famous!! (grin)

  6. I love it! Cowboy boots on the wrong feet are still better than any other footwear on the right feet!!
