Wondering about wild grapes

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wondering About a Book.

I bought a book today.  I am hoping that it will give me a huge source of blog material.  Have any of you seen this book:
I am sure hoping it has some interesting things I can use.  I have read a small portion and those few pages had information on Mr. Sears and Mr. Roebucks that I never knew.  So, if those couple of pages were any indication of what is in the rest of the book, I will have lots of stuff to post.  It is eight and half inches wide by eleven inches high and contains 597 pages.  Here is a picture of the back of the book:

So, get ready for some blog posts about the good old days out of this book.  I just love looking at pictures of the good old days, so this book may be just what I need to answer my questions and write blogs.  I hope I got you all thinking about the good old days and I also hope that this day will also be a good one for you.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I like thinking about the good old days. In fact I was thinking about the good old days before air conditioning; we survived but today if some's a/c is on the fritz or like me, you have just a swamp cooler, we think we might die. Having lived back in the good old days I know I can live through just about anything, but a lot of younger folks don't realize it yet.

    1. We have a lot of great memories of the good old days, and have seen a lot of changes, but not as many changes than our grandfathers. My grandpa lived through the horse and buggy days into the space age. He saw many changes. Yep, what would I do without air-conditioning?

  2. A hundred years from now there will be o' codgers sitting around talking about the Good Old Days at the turn of the 21st Century. Providing there are any o' codgers remaining 100 year from now.

    1. A hundred years from now no one will remember me, that is for sure.

  3. It's amazing to remember how much we've lived thru.

    1. Yes, but my grandparents saw more changes than I have.
