Tuesday, December 19, 2017

We Were Dancing, and Then. . .

The wife and I were dancing and having a ball.  We were all dressed up for the dance, but decided to stay home and dance in the living room.  I dyed my hair brown and the wife wore a long blond wig.  Yep, we were all dressed up with nowhere to go.  But that was OK with us.  We were having lots of fun.  See picture below:

But then it all changed.  That creature that came from somewhere far away in the other corner of the universe, tried to break in.  He is surely a ghostly figure.  It is hard to make out his facial features.  He was trying to hide behind a tall piece of furniture, but as you can see in the picture, he was way too tall to hide. 

That will teach us to put that small creature that we got in the mail in the water like he asked us to do.  Remember my posting a couple of days ago?  If not, here is a link to it:

If I am able, I will let you know how the dance ended.  Now, you all stay away from huge white monsters and have a great day, you hear?


  1. You both looked so wonderful and then IT showed up. I warned to not to let that thing get to big. haha

    1. I was warned but dumb me, forgot to take him out of the water. . . Think I will put him back in the bucket tonight. Maybe he will stay in there for the night. Or maybe not. Maybe I should sleep with my shotgun (grin).

  2. You and your wife looked so cute dancing together. Too bad IT showed up and ruined the dance. I think it is time for you to start being extra cautious with IT around. haha

    1. There is always someone you don't want that crashes your party. . .

  3. Replies
    1. Glad you got a Hahahaha out of it. I like to tickle peoples ribs.
