Monday, December 18, 2017

Alien Got Bigger.

Remember my last post back a couple of days ago, where I showed that little alien guy?  Well he is growing up and doing it very quickly.  He is now nine and a half (9.5) inches tall and still growing.

This is the picture I posted on my last blog:

Now, just a couple of days later, look how big he has grown:

That is a huge jar.  We don't have any bigger than that.  I guess we will have to fill one of the bathtubs and lay him in there.  You know, I don't think that would be a very good idea.  For now, he will stay where he is at.  I have visions of him growing and growing until he has filled every nook and corner of our home.  Dang, sure don't want that to happen.  In case I don't post any more, you know what happened to us. . .  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Looks like it could become a giant, better be careful.

    1. He can't get any bigger because that is the biggest jar we could find. I guess I could take him out and throw him into the pond. Then he could become a giant.

  2. I can see it...The alien laying the bathtub getting bigger and about 3am I stumble to tinkle and see it laying there, still 3/4 asleep... well it wouldn't be pretty! :-)

    1. Oh yes, I can see that happening, too. That is why I figured I should throw it in one of my ponds.

  3. I sure wouldn't throw that sucker in the pond. But if we don't hear from you we'll call somebody.

    1. I guess I should send it out to the dry west Texas.

  4. Sure hope his growth spurt is over. Maybe it is time to "dry" him out. I'll call out the National Guard if we don't hear from you in a couple of days.

    1. I have an extra tall contractor's bucket that I filled with water and put him in it. He did seem to get a bit bigger over night.

  5. I want to know how he came to be in your mailbox in the first place.

    1. The envelope that he was in didn't come through the mail, it just sort of appeared. I think it used a Star Trek type transporter to materialize in my home.

  6. careful with that critter! The pond sounds like the best solution to me!

    1. Yes, but I am afraid that he might suck up all the water in the pond. That would really be bad and he would grow way too big.
