Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Strange Visitor

We had a strange visitor come to our home.  I think that he came from a water world somewhere in our universe.  You know, he could have come from someplace in our solar system, like the sixth-largest moon of Saturn, Enceladus.  It is believed that under that icy shell there is a warm ocean that could contain some type of life forms.  This is what Enceladus looks like:

I believe that he had been shrunken with all his fluids removed to preserve him for his long, long trip to Earth.  See, he is less than four inches tall:

 And another picture showing him against a dark background:
 He was in this envelope and it didn't have a return address or a stamp on it.  You may want to click on the picture to enlarge it so you can read it easier.

After a couple of hours, he had grown to seven inches tall and got a lot fatter.

And view from the front:

I guess the pups, my wife, and I will try to give him a good home until he can figure out how to get back to his home.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Someone finally has proof of their existence!

    1. Yep, but who will believe an old man like me???

  2. Well someone thought you Y'all would give him a good home so ..... hahaha enjoy him but if he starts getting to big you might start to worry.

    1. He is suppose to grow 600 percent. I think maybe tonight he is as big as he is going to get. Not sure, so changed the water and will see what happens tomorrow.

  3. I hope he doesn't get too big and completely take over! You be careful.

    1. It is still growing, but very slowly now. Think it is about time to get him out of the water.

  4. I always knew they existed; now you have proof. Please be kind to him, I'm sure he is scared. Have a great weekend.

    1. I am kind to all living things unless they give reason to be otherwise.

  5. Might come in handy if it floods again, ya know?

    1. Yep, if there is enough of them, they could soak up all the water.

  6. I like your little/big Alien guy. I am also a believer they are out there. Especially liked that hand written note with instructions as well. Might have to put some pants on that guy if he gets any bigger and wants to go outside for a walk to A&W for a root beer................

    1. Check out my newest blog posting. I continued the story.
