Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wonderin Over a Few Words

I get frustrated trying to figure out the only language that I have ever known, English.  Too many words have too many meaning and too many meanings fit too many words.  Ok, maybe you don't believe me so here is what I am talking about.

Take the two words, "fly" and "die" and the different way they can be used.  For instance, "A fly dies but flies die."

Why is it that "a fly" is singular but "dies" can be either singular or plural?

OK, let's try it another way:  That fly died and all the flies died"

Now the first "died" was for one fly but the second "died" was for multiple flies, but they are the same word.  The first one told of only one death but the second one told of multiple deaths.

OK, now let's look into the future.  "That fly will die and all the flies will die."

The now "die" and the future "die" are both spelled the same.  So, I guess the word "die" can be now or future tense.  I get so mixed up when it comes to English.  Maybe you all can do better, let me know.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. It's one of the fun things about English, and what makes it interesting to write a blog. I'm forever finding mistakes I made when it was too late to change them.

    1. I sure know what you mean about finding the mistakes too late.

  2. I feel for anyone trying to learn just does not make sense sometimes. LOL even some people who have known it their whole lives get confused.

    1. Our English has been adulterated over the years. I bet someone from the 1800's would have a hard time understanding us today.

  3. I'm always in a slight state of confusion, sometimes more than usual. Thinking about this kind of stuff doesn't help me much!

    1. You ain't the only one that gets confused. BTW, I spent a large portion of my life designing dies, both press dies and forging dies.

  4. I have always heard from foreigners that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. After your posting this morning I can see why. Thinking about your question has only added to my already confused state of mind.

    1. It sure is. I have lived here all my life and still get confused over some of the rules of the English language.
