Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Take A Walk With Me-Part 2

Yesterday, you took a walk with me half way around my property.  Today, we are going to finish that walk.  This first picture is going down the south side of my place, the pond/swamp would be on the left side.

OK, went down the south side and turned left.  This next picture is looking down the path that runs near the east side of my property.  The lake/swamp would then be on the left:

And a little further along.  The brush is really thick along here:

And a short distance on down the path:

Oh look what I spotted.  Bluish colored mushrooms.

And a couple more on over here:

Have you ever seen mushrooms that color?  That was a first for me and I used to take walks for the whole purpose of finding mushrooms and other fungi.

In this next picture, you can start seeing water along the path:

My son and his wife raise all kinds of animals and birds and if you look closely, that white speck out there on the pond is one of their ducks.

This next picture is after I walked down past the pond and took it looking back:

Almost back to the house, and took this picture.  This is probably the deepest part of the whole swamp:

OK, that completes my walk around the swamp.  The above picture gives you an idea the size of the swampy area.  I always enjoy walking around my place and always see something new every time.  Now, you all take a walk and have a good year, you hear?


  1. Having a pond is a good thing!

    1. Yes it is. You never know when you may need the extra water to put out a fire or something.

  2. Replies
    1. We used to have otters before it all went dry a few years ago.

  3. I enjoyed the walk....it looks like a slice of heaven.

    1. I am really happy here. I have lived in four different states, but like it here the best.

    2. You really do have a slice of heaven. I'd love to have some land but I won't ever have it, so I will just envy yours! When I lived in NC I walked the dog up the mountain twice a day and loved to see all the mushrooms growing there. Some would only be there for a few hours, and would be gone by the time I got back with my camera. Nature can be so calming most of the time.

    3. Yes Gypsy, I do like it here. Things have built up all around me and there is a Mexican night club about a mile or so away that plays way too loud music, but I still love this place. Never want to leave.

  4. Great place and so nice and private. Love the pond/swamp

    1. Me, too. I may have to take a fishing pole out there some day. There used to be lots of fish in them until that extra dry year when they dried up. At that time my son used a front-end loader on a tractor to dig them out deeper. Since then, they have never gone dry.

  5. Thanks for the "walk around your house". I thoroughly enjoyed it

    1. Glad you liked it. I was going to take a picture of the schools of minnows, but when I got close enough, they scattered.
