Monday, December 11, 2017

Come, Take A Walk With Me.

Today, I took a walk around my place.  My son had cut paths with his big tractor (I got a little John Deere and he has a BIG John Deere).  The paths were quite wide, since his big brush hog is quite big.  He and I walked around yesterday after he cut it but I went back today with my camera and took a walk around with my camera.  So, take a walk with me around my place where he cut yesterday.  I will start from my front yard, are you ready?

Well, not exactly my front yard but I was standing at the edge of my front yard when I took the picture looking south.

I walked out the path my son made and took this picture:

And a little further out the new trail. . . see how short it is mown:

The next three pictures are on down along the trail:

From the south side looking north:

From the east side, looking west:

Not wanting to bore you with all the pictures I took today, I will stop here and maybe put the rest of them on my next blog posting.  Just giving you fair warning. . . (grin).   Now, get out, take a walk, and enjoy what Mother Nature has to show you and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Gorges, I like it here. When I first moved here it was quite quiet but that has changed over the years as the surrounding areas got developed.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes he did do a great job. He has a really nice tractor.

  3. Looks great for a nice walk, is that a pond back there?

    1. In dry weather we have two fairly deep ponds, in wetter weather, we have one huge pond/swamp. Some dry years the swamp dried up enough to be mowed.

  4. I can't see the forest for the trees!!

    1. I like trees. I feel better when surrounded by lots of trees.

  5. I love your wooded property. i have to be content with walking on city streets.

    1. I only lived in a small town for a couple of years. I definitely am not a city boy.

  6. Love those waking paths through the bush, he did and awesome job. Nothing like getting out for a nice walk and enjoy the scenery.

    1. I need to walk more than I do so will take advantage of the new paths.
