Friday, December 8, 2017

Not Since 12-1-2009

Yep, it has been a long time, not since Dec 1, 2009 around this area.  What am I talking about?  Snow!!!  Yep, we woke up to snow.  Not just a little, but enough to turn my place into a winter wonderland.  Hard to believe, isn't it?  They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so that is why I took a bunch of pictures and I am going to post them all here:


It has been eight years since any measureable snow has fallen here, so it is a big deal!!!  Of course, this time, the ground was quite warm so the snow didn't accumulate there except for a very few places, but the trees were a different story.  I hope you enjoyed our winter wonderland as much as we did.  Well, the pups decided to wait awhile to go out (grin).  Now, keep warm and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. i have always thought snow looks pretty; especially when it falls in someone else's yard. Your pictures are great. That really is a lot for you down there. We saw some flurries yesterday but nothing stuck However, more is on the way for this weekend. Have a great weekend

    1. I lived in Pennsylvania the first part of my life and always loved the snow. When I was a kid, my Mom had problems getting me back in the house.

  2. Wonderland????HA! Warm surf and bikinis is a wonderland.

    1. I have to agree with you, but I try to make the best of what I have.

    2. Snow in pictures of other places and rear view mirrors is good.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have said it before but it bears have the best of both in the country yet having the convenience of having the big city close by.

    Beautiful pictures Dizzy, thank you.

  5. Yep, sure looks like you got yourself some snow alright. I remember a few times when we got snowed on in Columbus New Mexico plus McNeal & Congress Arizona. Really hadn't expected that but I remember how nice the snow looked in the desert and on the cactus.

    1. We got unexpected snow a few times when traveling in the RV. Always enjoyed it. I have been to Congress, AZ, and experienced quite a temperature change in just a few hours.

  6. The trees are beautiful with their covering of snow.

    1. Sure was. Didn't last very long. It was a very wet snow, not the dry type you get in really cold temperatures.

  7. The trees look so pretty. We had freezing temps last night and a pretty cold day but it was very dry.

    1. It was colder last night, but the skies were clear, so no snow, just frost. OK, that is enough winter, let's have some warmer weather now.

  8. I'm ready for Spring already. I don't function well in the cold!

  9. I don't really enjoy the cold, but it's nice to have an occasional snowfall around Christmas to excite the kiddos. Did a Santa & Mrs. Claus event outside this morning, brrrr. Now enjoying the fire and an adult beverage to warm the old bones.

    1. When I was a kid living in PA, we once had a snowfall over night that dumped three feet of snow, and that was a Thanksgiving night. Deepest snow I had or have ever seen. Do not want that here in texas. . .


  10. this was the perfect one,,, long enough to look great, then gone. lol.
    I have to watch the vid my g/daughter took of her 2yo,, He walks out the door and stops,,,just looking,,,(its snowing on him),,then he turns around a

  11. and starts grinning. does that a couple of minutes, then he leans over and with one finger, touches it and jerks back...She took him out later too, and let him walk on the sidewalk but he insisted on going all the way around the block! loloolol. So precious,, watching him see it for the first time..

  12. o yeah, this was in Austin.. with about 4"

  13. That was his first experience with snow. And yes, you are right, it went away very quickly.
