Wednesday, December 20, 2017

My Wife Took Some Pictures

My wife decided since it was a fairly nice, warm day, to take a walk.  When she came back in, she asked for the camera and went back out, and nope, she didn't say why she wanted it.  I was curious but not curious enough to get out of my recliner-rocker.  Therefore, I had to wait until she came back in to find out.  She handed me the camera and I looked at the pictures that she had taken.

I must say that I was a little shocked.  She had found some intruders that didn't have any clothes on.  She got some pictures as they were trying to get away.  I have heard of streakers but have never seen any.  These guys were a little different than the regular streakers.  Ok, look for yourselves and see what you think.  I think this one was leaning over trying to tie his shoes,  yep, streakers have to have shoes:

And here is some of his buddies:

Yep, I was surprised that my wife took those risqué pictures, but since she did, I felt obliged to post them.  I sure hope we didn't shock any of you sensitive readers.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yhat is SOOO funny. Mrs. Diz must been feeling good today!

    1. Hope you got a grin out of it. Yes, Mrs. Diz is feeling good today.

  2. As soon as I saw that first picture a butt came to my mind. And I saw a few other body parts too. No hurt feeling here. What fun

    1. Yep, I saw other body parts, also. You have a good eye and a good imagination.

  3. That was both different and good!

    1. Thank you, Rob. I try to be different. Doesn't always work out.

  4. jajajajaja...thank you and thank Mrs.Dizzy, it made my night :D

    1. Always makes us feel good when we can make someone's night (or day). I just couldn't resist putting that in my blog posting.

  5. Those pictures of body parts really made my day. Mrs. Diz has a wonderful sense of humor. Tell her thanks for the good laugh. Happy First Day of Winter.

    1. I will tell her and so far it is still quite warm. They say that a cold front may get here and if it does, drop our temps by 30 degrees or more.

  6. What a great sense of humor the wife has! Tell her Thanks from me!

    1. Sure will, Hermit. She has to have a sense of humor to live with me. . .
