Friday, December 22, 2017

Signs That Winter is Here.

Although it is the second half of December, there are still signs of Fall left over.  You know, like some colored leaves:

And some more on the purple or blue side.  They look like Sweet Gum leaves but they must be babies because they are only a low bush:

And some more at a different spot:

Our neighbor to the west of us has a large tree in the middle of his field.  My wife always said that it isn't officially winter until that tree loses all its leaves.  Well, it must be officially winter:

I suppose that you noticed that the grass is still green.  Yep, and a lot things are still green.  You wouldn't know it is winter right now with the temperature at 78 degrees.  But that can change quickly.  As I have told you all before, that there ain't nothing between here and the North Pole except a few strands of barbed wire (grin).  Now keep warm (or cool if you prefer) and have a great day, you hear?


  1. You sure have a lot of color in those leaves. I miss the east for the colorful fall leaves - in the west you get mostly golden except for some people who plant red japanese maples. Your leaves are almost shockingly colorful - very beautiful!

    1. I live in East Texas, is that far enough east for you? (grin) Yes, I know what you mean. I loved the Appellations when they were in full color.

  2. The subzero temps and the foot and half of snow on the ground are pretty good hints around here.

    1. Yep, I bet you didn't take too long to figure out that it was winter (grin). I miss the Fall up north but don't think I could take a winter up there anymore.

  3. We hit winter last night at 26 degrees and it never went over 50 today. And we are in for another freeze tonight but then it will warm up again and we are looking at 80 for Christmas. Of course we never see fall colors here.

    1. I don't know where you live, but 26 degrees is colder than I would want down here East Texas.

  4. It is 22 degrees here this morning. Winter is definitely here as we had a light snow yesterday. I'll take your temps any day over ours.Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Diz.

    1. My son is on his way up to North Dakota on a job and that will be a big change in temperature for him. He will not be home for Christmas.

  5. We are getting the warm sunny days here, into the 70's and nighttime into the 30's but not much green gran in the desert.

    1. We have spent some time in the winter out in Arizona and west Texas and it can get down right cold, but that is not the norm.

  6. the weathermen have kept changing the forecast all week, for Christmas day,, finally think it's gonna be ok. In the hi 50s.

    1. Winter weather here in TX can change very quickly without any warning. At least it ain't boring.
