Saturday, February 6, 2016

Music, Music, Music...

Music has always been a big part of my life.  In fact, I am watching music shows all evening on RFDTV channel.  It is usually all country and bluegrass, which are two of my favorites.  Bluegrass gospels are on top of my list of favorite music.

Yes, music came into my life early on.  The music teacher at my grade school had me sing a solo part with the senior choir.  That always meant a lot to me and I will never forget it.  When I stepped out from the main choir on the high school stage, there were some laughs in the audience.  I guess they though I didn't know what I was doing, but they became very quiet when I started to sing.  Yep, I was good way back in my youth.  Through the years I sang in church choirs, barbershop quartets, spiritual quartets, and when I went to college, they must have been in need of tenors, because they wanted me to skip all the different choirs and join the European traveling choir.  I turned them down.  No way could I or my parents pay for that.  Yes, we had to pay a lot toward the travel and lodging.  I did join their main choir, the only freshman on it.  

Now, I don't sing much anymore.  Sometimes I pick up my guitar and pick something that I like to sing, but I have not kept up with my singing and I have lost my singing voice.  I doubt, even if I tried, that I could get my singing voice back in shape, especially at my old age.

I covered this subject before, but a little differently in an older post:

Ok, you all hum or sing one of your favorite songs and have a good evening, you hear?


  1. I am always singing or humming, but I too have lost my singing voice. Wonder why that happens.

    1. I think it is because we don't push our selves to keep singing at the lowest and highest ranges that we can hit. I am at the place where it is easier to listen to music - bluegrass on the TV right now.

  2. Oh, I have to sing along with bluegrass!

  3. I can't carry a tune in a bucket... but always enjoyed listening to my Mom whistle and my kids both learned musical instruments. I was too shy to sing in the choir. I enjoy many types of music but got left out in the performance area.... feel lucky to be able to tune in a radio. I envy you your music ability.

    1. It is like anything else, use it or loose it. I haven't really used it for some time now.

  4. Do you have any recordings of yourself singing? I never could, but i played the piano for church for a few years.

    1. No I don't. I wish I had recordings of the quartets that I sang in. The other guys in the quartets were much better than I was.

  5. We lived on a farm in Missouri when I was a little girl. There wasn't much to do, but I love to sing. I would go out into the pastures and make up songs. Sometimes the cows would gather around me in a circle and listen and I noticed tears trickling down their faces. One day I ran home and told my father the cows were crying as they listened to me and he replied, "Well no wonder." My voice was in a high range and it drove him crazy. The cows liked it though . . . lol I've heard they like music too. My voice is gone now, but I still sing.

    1. Every so often, when I am picking my guitar, I break out in song. I don't do that too often because I don't want to upset my dogs. . .
