Friday, February 5, 2016

Baby It's Cold Outside.

It was beautiful and warm yesterday, but last night it got down right cold!!  Well maybe not cold for Alaska or Michigan or Pennsylvania, but for East Texas, it was really cold.  I woke up about 03:30 this morning, and since I was awake, I checked the outside temperature and it was in the upper 20's.  Now that IS COLD for here!!  I went back to bed, covered up, and went back to sleep.  Then when I got up at my normal time a couple of hours ago, it was 31 degrees.  When I started to write this blog posting, it had gone up 39 degrees and it is rising fast.  It is predicted to get up to 60 degrees and I believe it, because it is warming up very fast.  The winters here in this area are usually mild, but this is the second time this winter that it got down to freezing or colder.  Remember my posting back on Jan. 24th? (

Actually, I like this cool weather better than the heat in the summer when it gets up to triple digits or close to it.  You can put on extra layers of clothes when it is cold but when it is hot and humid, you can only take off so much.  Even if you go nude, it is still hot and sticky.  So, I ain't complaining, just explaining.  Hey, that would make a good country music song title would it?  "Ain't complaining, just explaining" and it even rhymes.  OK, now I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. It's a low of 61 degrees F. here today.... not sure of the high.. but we were just talking to someone this morning about how cold the mornings are. Guess it's all relative, huh?

    1. Sure is, can you imagine back when you lived on the Ohio farm, you calling the 60's cold in the winter time?

    2. You are so right... 60's wasn't exactly a tee shirt day, but at least my eyelashes didn't get frosty! Now... at 60 degrees I wear a corduroy jacket in the mornings and my hands are like ice... but the good thing is, by 9:00 or so it's very nice.

  2. If I could afford to have all the windows in my house replaced with more energy efficient models, I think I might be just a bit warmer in this weather. As it is, I'm freezing, and often it's warmer outdoors than it is inside the house. I'm so sick of it.

    1. If it is warmer outside and you are cold inside, open the windows. Open blinds and curtains so the sun shines in. And if you are still cold, go to the gym and work out (grin).

    2. For some reason, probably due to the angle of the houses here, and the location of the sun during the winter months, it doesn't work that way. I try opening the door but since the porch and most of the windows are shaded, the air coming in would still be too cool to warm up the house. In the summer I leave everything closed up until about Noon and it stays cool.

  3. It will not be too much longer till we get those two perfect spring days that come between blistering cold winter and blazing hot summer.

    1. Dang, you mean you have two perfect days? OK, it ain't too bad here and we do have a little more than two perfect days.

  4. Here in Southern California about 75 sunny and next to no wind. about 48 at night, perfect !

  5. I'm in Arizona headed for the Gulf of Mexico via the "scenic route". I'm watching the temps ahead of me, I really want to avoid what you had last night!

    1. I guess my best advise is to route your trip as far south as possible.

  6. absolutely coldest ever here in AZ, two nights ago it was 19 degrees. Hmmmph. Too cold for me.

    1. Are you at a high elevation? 19 is really cold. . burrrrr.

  7. Yes, about 3,500 feet, a bit nippy here at the moment.

  8. We have been really cold this winter her in AZ. but I don't mind to much cause I know we will be horrible hot soon enough. With any luck I can head for the hills this summer

    1. Wouldn't it be nice if we could can that cold air and save it for the summer?
