Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stupidity Never Ceases to Amaze Me

I have seen a lot of stupidity during my life time and some of it was me.  But just the other day I was thinking about a buddy of mine (no, he wasn't the stupid one) who fabricated a huge front bumper for his truck, the main part was 4" pipe with 45 degree and end caps on both ends.  He decided that it would be a great reservoir for compressed air for emergency use to pump up tires or run air tools.  Therefore, he made sure that the welds were air tight and he put in an air fitting so he could fill it with air.  He also had another tap for an air gauge

Well, one day we were on the way to his hunting lease and he stopped to get gas and while there, he decided to pump air into his bumper.  This fellow walked up looking puzzled.  The guy asked him what the heck he was doing.  And my buddy told him that he was filling his front bumper with air and that he usually put in about a hundred and fifty pounds of air.  The fellow looked more amazed and asked him, "Doesn't that much air weigh down the front of the truck?".  My friend held back his laugh until later and told him that it did but he put extra heavy springs and shocks on the truck.  That guy accepted that answer.  Apparently he must have never heard of pounds of pressure.

Now, for some reason, I just thought of an old joke.  It seems that a couple of fellows were discussing the best and worst ways of dying.  One of them said that he wants to pass away in his sleep like his uncle did, not kicking and screaming like the passengers in the car his uncle was driving.  OK, don't laugh, it wasn't that funny, but I liked it and got a good chuckle out of it.  Now stay awake while driving and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. SCUBA divers know that compressed air does, indeed, have more weight than ambient air, and adjustments have to be made for it.

    1. Yes, I know that it has weight, but not as much as that fellow was thinking.

  2. The joke made me laugh. It's the sort of punchline you aren't expecting, and do a double take on it.

    1. I have a few favorite jokes and this is one of them.

  3. I laughed even though I have heard it before, so it still has its catch

    1. Good jokes can be enjoyed more than once. Glad you got a laugh.

  4. I kinda hate to admit it, but that's the kind of question that I'd ask.... so I had to read your blog to Bill... and he's standing there with a big grin... understands it all. So now you got a second laugh on me for today ;-)

    1. You are a good lady to admit it, but OK, I will laugh again. . not at you, with you.

  5. I got a good laugh out of your post today. Guess there are some folks out there that just don't understand about air pressure. Many years ago (when I first started working) I was one of them. So I can't say anything stupid here. Loved the joke.

    1. Air does weigh something, but some gasses like hydrogen, helium, etc. are lighter than air and that is why balloons and blimps and such are filled with helium. Although hydrogen is lighter, it is also very combustible.
