Monday, February 1, 2016

A Thorny Tree.

I remembered when The Odd Essay posted a while back about a tree that had sharp, jagged thorns sticking out of it everywhere.  Here is a link to that post: 

Well, I have at least one of them growing on my property. Well, actually, it looks like it is dead.  Maybe it will sprout back up in the Spring.  Of course, with the warm temperatures we have been having (mid to upper 70's), it feels like Spring has already sprung.  We get a lot of "false" Springs around here.

OK, I got of the subject a little.  Here are a couple of pictures I took this morning

 I put my hand in the picture in this last one so that you could see the size of the thorns compared to my hand:

Well, you see, it wouldn't even make a good back scratcher, a weapon of terror maybe, but not a back scratcher.  I would say that it is a little out of place here.  It would fit in better in the desert or the jungle, don't you think?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?

PS.  In case you are wondering, that tree is called a "toothache tree".  Here is a link that tells about it:


  1. My sis has one, only one in the country, and our guess is it came from bird droppings. Anyway, the thorns are longer, horrible. If i remember (hahah) its called a honey locust.

    1. I added a link to a site that tells what it is. I believe that the honey locust is a different tree than the one in the pictures. Although they both have thorns.

  2. i think i put pics on here a long time ago.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes it is. Maybe I shouldn't be too sad that it died.

  4. Oh my... looks dangerous! Maybe when it leafs out you can get another photo and get it identified. We have black and honey locusts in Ohio... don't think it's either of those.

    1. I believe that it is dead. If it comes back, I will take a another picture or two.

  5. I would be glad that it died - it looks diabolical! I had so much trouble with all the thorns on everything when I was in Arizona, so now I would have to worry about Texas?

    1. There is always something in nature that is waiting to hurt you but on the other hand, there is a lot of beauty out there, too.

  6. With all the cacti around here I don't think I would want that thing growing. Yikes

  7. That is one tree you don't want to bump up against. We have a few cacti around here, but they are few and far between. I guess it is too damp for them.

  8. At my last house I had a thorny tree in the yard. I really didn't like it very much, but it did provide shade in the garden.

    1. As long as you didn't lean up against it or bump into it as you walk by, it would be OK.

  9. We have one cactus and if either one of us tangle with it again we won't have it. That tree looks dangerous.

    1. At least ours is back out of the way.

    2. My husband fell into it the first year we moved here. Yikes, healthy appreciation for those thorns they have.

    3. Oh no, falling into a cactus is not a good thing.
