Monday, February 8, 2016

Cold Food, Hot Food.

OK, I got a question for you all.  I am sure most of you can get a meal for yourselves, even if it is opening up a can of something and heating it up.  Now, there is my question.  We take the contents of that can and heat it up.  But why do people heat it up to such a high temperature that you have to let it cool off for awhile in order to eat it?

I opened up a can of Chicken and Dumplings for my lunch and my wife handed me a pan to heat it up in.  OK, I didn't want to eat it cold so I dumped it into a pan, put it on the stove, and turned on the gas.  I stuck my finger in it after a short time and said that it was warm enough for me.  She said, "No, cook it for awhile longer to kill all bacteria".  Of course I had a come-back, I said, "but it had to be hot when it was canned".

Now, this incident got me to wondering, and I did some research on the subject and it turns out that in some cases my wife is right.  (Of course, around here, she is always right)  It said in some cases, bacteria can be found in canned goods.  OK, then I will do as she asks from now on except for my canned Mandarin Oranges.  I like them cold and when I buy a can of them, I put them in the refrigerator.  I eat them mixed with vanilla yogurt and sometimes also add some cereal to the mix.  Anyway, when I fix them to eat them, I love them cold, and I ain't going to heat them up (grin).  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Bill thinks I heat stuff up too hot... my only excuse is I'd rather wait for something to cool down than to have it barely warm... or if microwaved, cold in the middle. It's more the raw chicken or pork that I'm almost obsessive about...

    1. You got that right, it will cool off by itself but it will not heat up by itself. Our microwave bit the dust awhile ago and we just never replaced it. Now, I don't miss it.

  2. Don't microwave chicken or pork. They both are bacteria prone. Frey'em, bake em or grill em. It's funny how baking tastes so much better than micro'em does. Even frozen dinners taste better.

  3. I rarely eat canned foods, but even when I get leftovers out of the fridge I will often eat them cold (depending on what it is). I only use my microwave to store crackers & such, so if I can't put it in a pan to warm it up I just eat it cold. Not bad at all.

    1. So I'm not the only one that stores things in the microwave. lol

    2. Quite awhile ago, our microwave quit working and I have never replaced it. We do have one that works in the RV.

  4. I guess it depends on what the food is. My hubby like his food so hot I get burns in my mouth. I prefer my food a little cooler - hot enough to kill any bacteria but cool enough that I can eat it. I only use the microwave to reheat food.

    1. I can't stand real hot food, so have to let it cool off before I eat it.

  5. If i want warm, i heat it, if not, i dont... that simple.
