Monday, April 20, 2015

Wondering About My First Blog

I have no special reason, no anniversary date, nothing to make me want to go back and look at my original blog posting, but for some reason that is exactly what I wanted to do this morning.  I went back and noted who commented on my very first blog.  Would any of you want to guess who was the very first to comment?  Well stand up and take a bow Hermit Jim (, you were the very first and to think, you still comment on my blog.  Thanks for sticking with me all these years.  You, my friend, write a fabulous blog.

Here is a link to my very first blog:

Do you remember why you started blogging?  I suppose that there are as many different reasons as there are bloggers.  Old Ben of the "Ben in Texas" blog got me started.  Ben passed away a few years ago and I still miss him.  We used to communicate both by phone and by internet through emails and blog postings.  I even made a trip up to see him.

OK, back to the subject, here is a list of people who commented on my very first blog:  HermitJim, Ben in Texas, Looking, Kathie, Sissy, and MsBelinda.  I am not sure what happened to some of them.  HermitJim and MsBelinda are still posting great blogs, I know Ben in Texas passed away, and am not sure what happened to the others.

I see that Billy Bob of "Billy Bob's Travels" posted a blog about old cars.  Boy did that bring back memories of my younger days and my '57 Chevy Convertible.  Hey Billy Bob, here is a picture for you, maybe it will bring back more memories.  Dang, I am young looking in this picture:

Sure wish I had that car back.  I had rear skirts on her and a rolled leather back seat out of Buick.  I felt like a king driving that royal wagon. . . Now, you all tell us some of your memories and about your first blog and why you started blogging, but most of all, have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I started blogging at the urging of RVers I came in contact with on RV-Dreamers website. I continued even after I got rid of my RV.

    I am now a little under 10,000 comments until I reach 500,000, and I'm thinking about calling it quits at that point. Or maybe just posting now and then - I can't imagine that I would stop reading all blogs though.

    1. I just went t my stats and checked, as of now, I have 594,447 page views. Don't know how many comments.

    2. My stats show a different (and higher number) for Page Views than for Visits. I don't have a clue what the difference is, and the stats don't tell me how many comments I've had, so I'd have to count them individually! I'm just going by what's on my blog page (up near the top).

    3. Maybe they count all page views but only count the ones that leave comments as visits.

  2. Ole Ben got me to start a blog. I don't like writing but he kept pushing me to start one so I did.

    1. I guess Ole Ben was responsible for at least two blogs. I sure liked that ole boy. Because he pushed us into it, we should keep them going out of respect for Ole Ben.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Don't know why my reply posted twice. Maybe Ole Ben is messing with me. . .

  3. My first blog posting was August 20th 2006, when we hit the road fulltime. I was then only posting once a month, the last 5 years daily. My sister was the first to comment, but now just reads it.
    It serves as a diary of our travels for us so we can check back and see where we have been and what have been doing.

    1. It is always good to have a permanent record. Just think, years and years from now your great-great-great-great-grand-kids will be able to read about your life and travels.

  4. I had to go back in the archives to find it, but my first blog was January 15, 2012.... so I'm a newbie compared to you folks. I started it with the encouragement of other bloggers we knew, but my biggest help was Donna K, of Oregon, who doesn't blog much these days. I read several blogs for quite a few months before I got the nerve to write my own. I started it thinking our kids might like to know where we're at. (yeah, right) I'm like George... I often use my blog as a journal of our travels and at the end of each year I have some company compile the whole year into one file. I never get a book published, but have it on a CD.

    1. You have really written a wonderful blog. Since you have traveled all over the world, and now travel in your RV, you never run out of interesting things to write about. Keep up the great work.

  5. Man...time sure does fly when you are having fun! Doesn't seem like it's been all that long, but it has indeed!

    1. Time sure did fly by fast and it is speeding up, at least for me. I get up in the morning, turn around, and another day has gone by.

  6. Just went and looked at my first blog and you and ole Ben were the first two to comment on it. Thanks Dizzy.

    1. You are welcome, and I bet when you looked at your first blog, it brought back a lot of memories.

  7. Would have sworn i commented on your first. Because i remember Ben doing all that, and reading it. Guess he got me started too.

    1. You commented on my third blog posting. Thanks for staying with me through all those years.

  8. I did not realize I commented on your first blog post. Went and looked...sure enough I did.

    Precisely because my memory is not what it used to be is that I decided to write a blog. It serves as a sort of Cyber Journal that I have come to rely on.

  9. My memory is not too good, either. But I do know that you have been with me ever since my first post and I thank your. It sure has been a ride!!

  10. Hello. I've popped over from another blog and glad I did. I started way way back in oh last October. My first was about clearing out. It was meant to be a record of achievement. I soon gave up on that and found a different voice. Im enjoying the community spirit, reading about lives very different from mine and some very similar. I hope I'm giving something back too.

    1. Glad you got your blog up and running. Welcome to the blogger world and thanks for stopping by my blog.
