Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Sequel to Yesterday's Blog

 Today I am posting a sequel to yesterdays blog about privet.  Not only do they look pretty and their strong aroma is all around, but they also leave their signs by dropping small white petals all over the place.  Here is a picture of the privet next to wild grape vines and my steps down from the deck.  See all the white petals on the steps.  Almost looks like we had a light snow:

And a picture from another angle:
How about a closer picture:

Oh heck, just one more:

As you can see, each little flower comes off all by its self.  Since they were used to living in a tight group, I would think they would get lonely going out in the world on their own.  They didn't get far, at least they haven't yet, but if we get some wind or rain they might get a little further.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. We are having rain and lots of wind here... so many of the fruit and flowering trees look like your privet underneath.... Guess I'm just glad that it's all flower petals and not snow!!!!!

    1. Yes, flower petals are much better than snow.

  2. I like the pictures of the petals against the floor boards. Nice contrast.

    1. Don't forget that you can click on the pictures to enlarge them. I have found out that you don't have to look very far to find beauty.

  3. Hello. We have a privet hedge in our UK garden. It grows like mad. Ours doesn't flower. It may be a different variety I guess.

    1. I don't know much about them. I wonder if there are male and female plants. That may explain why yours does not bloom.

  4. I wouldn't like it there by the steps, do you?

    1. No, I have cut it back and cut it out but it always comes back bigger and better than it was before I butchered it. Maybe it is trying to get revenge?
