Saturday, April 18, 2015

Privet, privet, everywhere. . .

Last year in April I posted a blog that included a picture of a wild privet bush and asked you readers what it was:

Well, it turned out to be a privet bush.  They have an extra strong, sickening sweet aroma that just seems to fill the air this morning.  Yes, they are blooming in full force again but this year they seem to have attacked in legion size forces.  They are everywhere, even mixed in with the wild grape vines at the corner of our deck:
And all along the driveways.  As you can see in this next picture, there are two separate bushes, one on the left and one near the lower right corner:
This next picture shows them along the driveway that goes down to my son's home:
Even though I don't care too much about their aroma, I have to admit that the are pretty and do brighten up a cloudy day:
This last picture shows the blooms close up:
I hope you didn't mind that I repeated a blog about these bushes, but I thought that they were extra pretty this year, maybe because of all the rain we have had around here.  Maybe I should take a walk around my property and see what else may be blooming. . . OK, this rocking recliner feels real good right now, so maybe I will put that walk off for awhile.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Japanese Privet is a highly invasive species. I pull up them up when I find them sprouting.

    1. It would take a bulldozer and a crane to pull these up. They are pretty big.

  2. Take plenty of pics on your walk,,, lol.
    We have b-brush that smells strong like that. Hard to get rid of.

    1. I usually do. Sometimes I find interesting things to take a picture of and sometimes I don't. Sure is nice to have digital pics instead of having to use film like the old days.

  3. Mother Nature is giving you a pretty fair amount attention, it appears. Too bad she doesn't throw in some sweet smelling roses!

    1. That is one thing we don't have here. Maybe we should correct that situation.

  4. So that's what those are. Sure are pretty.

    I've been in the never ending Spring since FL. Pollen in the air everywhere we go.

    1. So you really have a yellow vehicle, layer after layer after layer.

  5. The rocking recliner would get my vote right now. But the bushes do look pretty.

    1. I spend way too much time in this comfy chair with this laptop on my lap just rocking, looking at blogs and stuff, and watching TV. Now don't tell me I can't do more than one thing at a time. . . of course I may not to all of them well.

  6. We just got back to Ohio today... the privet isn't blooming yet here, but when it does, the bees just love it. i guess it's good for something.

    1. I think the bees prefer my hummingbird feeder to the privet, but there is just so much of it, the bees would be spread pretty thin.

  7. I do not think I have ever seen them before in my neck of the woods but they sure look pretty.

    1. If you are near Houston again this time of year, take a look around.
