Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wondering If Big is Better?

Is "BIG" better than "small"?  Well, I guess that depends on what it is and the circumstances.  Is a big diamond better than a small one?  A small exquisitely cut diamond would be better than a big badly cut diamond. . unless the big one was really big.

What if humans were only about three inches tall and the rest of the flora and fauna were the same as it is now?  Would mankind still be dominant?  Because of man's superior brain power, it could be possible that a race of three inch tall people could survive but they would have a really, really hard time of it.  Just think, a mouse would appear to be the size of bear and the cat chasing that mouse would be a monster!!  So, there would only be slight chance of a three inch tall human race surviving, if they were lucky enough, but somehow, I doubt it.  So, size does matter.

Now I prefer big plates of food, especially when I am having Louisiana boudin, and that is just what I did a day ago and hope to do it again real soon.  I like big helpings of food and in this case, big was certainly better.  Eating is high on my list of things I like to do.

There are lots of things that are better if they are big.  For example:
a big paycheck
a big bonus
a big helping of boudin or whatever your favorite food is
a big strong cup of coffee
a big screen TV
a big orchestra
a big "little" black book, if you are single
a big set of tires if you are an off road mudder
and last but not least - a big heart full off love

Please add to this list, I know I have just scratched the surface.

I didn't post a blog yesterday, did anyone miss me? (grin)  Now, you all have big day and enjoy yourselves, you hear?


  1. I would have missed ya, but I saw on B.B.'s blog that you said you didn't post, so I knew ahead of time.

    Still, we always miss ya wen you aren't around!

    1. Thank you Jim. My day wouldn't be complete without a dose of Hermit.

  2. Sometimes it's fairly late when I get notice of your latest post, so I may have missed it. Maybe I was reading the previous one.

    Some things are better when they are bigger, but it's all a matter of what you like. I do not like big screen TV's, and am happy with a much smaller one (not the flat screen, by the way). Big houses, big cars, again that is a matter of preference (and need). A big kiss is better than a small one though.

    1. I still have the old fashioned square looking TVs. I guess I am cheap but I can't see replacing them as long as they work the way they are supposed to.

    2. I have the same kind as you, and as long as it works I'll keep it. I like it better than the flat ones.

  3. We moved into EST (although it's daylight savings time) and I'm still trying to think of when most folks post. (yeah, a lot of us have habits)... I looked for you this morning thinking I'd missed you yesterday. As for that boudin... yum! I had a little piece for lunch that was left over from a few meals ago.. and big would have been better! By the way, our refuge manager told us the best place to buy boudin ... at Sonniers, in Lake Charles. It's wonderful! And, of course, a story behind how it started.

    1. Left over boudin? That never happens here at my table.

  4. A big cocktail would suit me. Big cupboards would be nice. A big garden if it came with a big gardener. I'd certainly like a big weekend. The ones with public holidays tagged on.

    1. Amen to all of those, Anna! And yes, we did miss you, Dizzy, even though I usually see you the next day because I start about 7:00 ~

    2. Anna, my son made some raised beds for my wife. She wanted a garden. Didn't take very long with his big tractor.

    3. Hermit's Baby Sis, the trouble with posting a daily blog is if you miss a day, readers think you died or something (especially at my age).
