Thursday, April 23, 2015

Stages of our Lives

We all go through many stages over our life time.  There is a lot more to it than the old saying that you started out in diapers and you will end up in diapers.  BTW, so far, I have not needed to wear adult diapers and hope I will never need to.  But we do go though different stages, that is for sure.

For those of preschool age, their mommies and daddies (and other close family members) are the most important people in their lives.  After they start school, their world expands dramatically along with adding other important people to their lives.  These could be teachers or other students or both.  As they get a little older, boyfriends/girlfriends are added to their list of special people, then that list of girlfriends/boyfriends narrows down to only one special one.  With some people, there are different "special ones" over time and with others, there was and is only one.  I have been married to my "special one" for over 50 some years, and she is still my very special one.

Do you remember your first special one?  Oh come now, I know you do but maybe you don't want to admit it in writing in case your current special one gets jealous.  If you are brave enough, let's hear about your first or second or best special one, and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I'm not gonna touch that one. Most of my special ones weren't worth a crap!

    1. Sorry to hear that. Either you set your sights too high or you don't know how to pick them (grin).

  2. I remember all of my special ones who turned out to be the embodiment of my stupidity. The one I've got is beyond the word special and if I had met him sooner, I doubt if I would have been smart enough to recognize his qualities.

  3. I remember all of my special ones who turned out to be the embodiment of my stupidity. The one I've got is beyond the word special and if I had met him sooner, I doubt if I would have been smart enough to recognize his qualities.

    1. I am glad you got yourself a good one and double glad that recognize that fact.

  4. I have had a few special ones, finally too the third marriage to finally get it right. Over 25 years now, she is sure a keeper!

    1. Glad you found yours on the third try, sure wouldn't have wanted you to strike out with three strikes. . . glad you kept her for over 25 years and counting.

  5. My first special one was when I was 15... too darned young, I think now. But... I married him when I was 19... had 2 kids and was married for 18 years. Found out he wasn't so special afterall... too long a story to write about... but... if I hadn't have married... and divorced him I probably would never have met the real love of my live... And you've met Bill, so I just bet you know how lucky I am. I got 2 wonderful kids from those first 25 years, so I figure God knew what He was doing... just set me up for the best thing in my life.
    Dang, Dizzy, you sure stir up a hornet's nest with your wonderings!!!!

    1. Yes I met Bill and I think you two make a great couple. BTW, I try to stir things up, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

  6. My human, Gary, told me that he knows of three stays of his life. Tri-weekly, try weekly and try weakly. I have no idea what he means.

    My human remembers that first special young lady in his life. And no, it's not me. Arf!

    Pawsitive wishes,


  7. My special one is (more than) a little miffed at me right now. I scraped the bumper and muffler last night on a big ole landscape rock in a parking lot. Stupid place for a rock, anyway! But, it took him 4 tries before he found me, and I think he knows he's finally got the right one. He'll settle down after a bit - he just sure babies his vehicles, and has a fire extinguisher temper - explodes fast then quickly fizzles out. He's a keeper, too ~
