Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Yellow Season is Here Again.

My wife and I decided to head to town so she could get some yarn, etc.  As you can see in my header picture I have a brown/khaki colored Jeep.  When we went out to get into the Jeep, it was yellow.  Yep, the pollen is really bad this time of year and everybody drives yellow vehicles during this season (grin).

It caused me to have a slightly scratchy throat but that passes rather quickly.  Those poor people who suffer from hay fever and other allergies must be having a pretty bad time during this "yellow season".  I am not one who suffers from it, which is a blessing.  I do know that it means the leaves will be budding out very soon and all the floral bouquets that Mother Nature can provide will be beautifying the landscape very soon.  Keep a handkerchief handy if you are one of these people and try to have a great day, you hear?


  1. The maple buds are swelling here, I noticed today.

    1. A lot of the leaves are already out, so this must be a second burst of new leaves to come. Of course our live oaks stay green all year round. When I lived in Western Pennsylvania, I always enjoyed driving through your state in the Fall with all the colored leaves.

  2. I haven't noticed the pollen yet, but we're having so much rain it would just wash it away.

    1. It seems out there where you live you either have a drought or it floods. I guess everything in California is taken to the extremes.

  3. While many of the trees have already started budding the downturn in temperatures and high winds have knocked down the remaining pollen balls.

    I am glad I do not suffer from allergies but feel for those who do.

    1. I used to have lots of allergies when I was a kid but I have outgrown most of them, thank goodness.

  4. My first experience with "yellow season" was while I was visiting my son in GA one spring. The t is really something to see. Being from WI it was quite a sight to see. We don't get pollen that heavy here.

    1. I spent the first half of my life living in western Pennsylvania and I don't remember it ever getting anywhere near this bad. Of course, here in Texas everything is bigger, badder, smaller, nicer, or better than any other place. At least that is what they told me when I moved here.

  5. I used to have allergies years ago but gladly I have outgrown them to as you did.

    1. Maybe I am just so old that I react to things very slowly, so by the time I react, the irritant has disappeared (grin).
