Saturday, March 9, 2019

Clearing Out Brush

My son came up today with his big tractor and brush-hog and pushed over and cut up some really thick brush that kept us from seeing down to the ponds from our house.  He did a lot but guess how he did the finishing touches?  He brought up a couple of his goats and let them much on the "salad bar".  They cleaned it up pretty well and I am real thankful that he did all that work.  The goats worked out well.

Yes, I know I should have gone back in the house and got my camera, but to tell you the truth, I didn't think about it at the time.  I will tell you that those goats sure can make short work of anything they can get into their mouth.  Now, you all have a wonderful evening, you hear?


  1. I sure hope you run and get your camera the next time the goats are around.

    1. He has more goats than those two. He has lots of show rabbits, a hundred or more and geese, ducks, chickens, etc.

  2. Goats can do a heck of a job!

  3. What a great kid you have and his goats to get your place all spiffed up.

    1. He lives on my place, too, and I don't charge him rent. Figured, when I am gone it will be all his.

  4. Best way I know to "cut" grass.

    1. Yep and this was more than grass. Now I can see the ponds from my house. They did a good job.

    2. The goats I 'borrowed' wouldn't touch grass but loved clearing out honeysuckle vines. Wish I had a son such as yours DD, one that owns a bush-hog.
      I NEED HELP!
      Desperately yours truly, Caddie.

    3. These goats didn't waste time on eating any grass, just the brush.

  5. That was wonderful that your son took on that chore for you , seeing the pond would be nice again.

    1. My son, his big tractor, and the goats sure did make a big change to the scenery.

  6. I am so jealous!!

    Each day my weeds grow by leaps and bounds :(

    1. My son is working on the North Shore of Alaska and came home for two weeks and then returns to Alaska. I guess he likes to make hay while he is home and the weather is good. Glad we had some warm weather for him.
