Friday, March 15, 2019

The Ides of March.

Yep, this is March 15th, the ides of March.  Actually, every month has its own ides.  The ides fall on or very near the middle of each month.  This is the explanation that I found on :

In the original ten-month Roman calendar, days that marked the position of the moon were named: the calends was the first day of the month, or new moon, and the ides was the middle of the month, or full moon. An extra month was added every few years to ensure that agricultural festivals and holidays remained at the appropriate time of year.

You know, I prefer to be just me and not a ruler or a popular star.  It is much safer that way.  My pups seems to like me but they like my wife better, because she cooks good meals for them.  Yep, they eat like Kings and Queens, as they should.  I read someplace that Shih-Tzu's were the pets of royalties.  I am going to go pet my King and Queen and I want you all to have a great day because as far as I am concerned, you all are royalties.


  1. If only the Weather would warm up then we could all feel like Royalty.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your day.

    It's about time.

    1. Pretty soon we will be complaining about the hear.

  2. Thank you King Richard! I just gave my Prince Rocky a big pat. Now, where are my minions?

  3. My cats seem to think I am royalty but only when they are hungry and wanting me to feed them.

    1. We know the feeling. We used to have cats but now we only have two dogs, but they know when the feeding times are and let us know. BTW, as I said in my blog, my wife cooks for them, today was ground turkey, mixed with macaroni and green beans. Now, don't tell me they are spoiled but I have been known to eat their food before they could get to it (grin).

  4. It seems that pets always prefer the person who feeds them. Happy St. Patrick'e Day to you.

    1. Like the old saying goes, "don't bite the hand that feeds you". And a happy St. Patrick's day back at ya.
