Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Wow, What a Perfect Day

It was a perfect day today.  Not too hot, just hovered around seventy degrees.  I even sat outside on the deck in the sun with my shirt off.  Felt real good.  It was a good day to be alive.

The wild berry vines are in bloom.  I noticed something today that I have not noticed before.  The thorns on these were all pointing backwards from the direction of growth.  That is the reason that they hurt so much if you grab hold of them with your bare hand and try to pull them out.  Mother Nature always amazes me at her designs and the ways she uses to protect her "garden".  These vines were also in bloom with large white flowers and the bees were working them.  I was glad to see bees.  They seem to be getting sparse around here and they are so very important to  the pollenization of all plants, wild and domestic.  Without bees, a lot of life on this Earth would disappear, a lot of us included.


  1. Cooler here in the Mid-Ohio Valley, but pretty.

    1. I was born and raised in PA and spent half my life there. Then moved to Michigan, then North Carolina, and then Texas.

  2. What we call honey bees were imported from Europe by English colonists in the 1600's... Not native...

    1. Sure glad they imported them. What pollenated the wild flowers, etc. before there were bees over here?

    2. 4000 native species!

  3. Glad you had an enjoyable day in the piney woods.

    1. I guess any day an old codger like me wakes up alive in the morning, it is a good day.

  4. It was to warm for me already and tomorrow it will be in the 80's not ready for this heat. Guess I will not ever be ready anymore.
    Could you imagine having to go around pollenating plants with a cotton swab that would be bad. A few years ago they said something was killing the bees off hope what ever it was is over

    1. Through the history of this world, the only thing that is constant is change.

  5. So glad you had a nice day outside. Thankful for all the bees I see around here. We sure do need them.

    1. I don't know of anyone who raises them, so these may be from an escaped colony who are living in the wild.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful day you enjoyed great spring weather. Yes gotta have those bees.

    1. It was a wonderful day and today looks like it is going to be another one.
