Friday, March 1, 2019

Lost a Good Friend.

Yesterday, we went to the graveside services of a good friend and hunting and fishing buddy.  I will really, really miss that guy who I have known for around thirty years or so.  Below is what I posted on "":

When I was manager of engineering at Conroe Forge & Mfg., the vice president had previously interviewed him and said if I approved, hire him. Well, I decided to have a little fun after seeing him a bit nervous coming in for the interview. The first question I asked him was if he had a bass boat. He kind of smiled and said yes. I then asked him if he had a problem taking his boss fishing. He looked at me kind of funny and said no. I then said "You are hired". We have been friends ever since. And yes, he took me fishing many times and we used to go hunting together, also. Will sure miss him.

Yes, it will take me a long time to get over missing him.  I still get tears in my eyes every time I think of him and then I have to smile for all the fun and pleasure he had brought to me and my family.  Now, I hope you are having a better time than I am.


  1. I am very sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

    I liked the anecdote about his hiring. I hope that and other happy memories will somehow mitigate the grief you are experiencing.

    1. As for now, they just bring back tears to my eyes.

  2. It is hard to loose a good longtime friend, but you did have si=ome fun times together.

    1. Yes we did. And yes it is hard to loose a longtime friend. My son flew down from the north shore of Alaska and got there just in time for the grave-side service.

  3. Please accept my condolences; good friends are rare these days.

    1. I have lost too many of them, not sure I have very many left, if any. But I do have my blogger friends.

  4. Sorry for the loss of your long time friend. But you have some wonderful memories to look back on.

    1. Oh yes, lots of hunting and fishing memories, and much, much more.

  5. Sorry for your loss. It's tough to let the good ones go.

    1. It was so unexpected. He was a lot younger than I am. I guess you just never know when your ticket is going to get punched.

  6. So sorry for your loss a dear friend.

  7. Thank you linda m. It will take awhile to get over it.
