Monday, February 25, 2019

Rabbit Stood At Attention.

I opened the door onto my screened in back porch to let the dogs out into their fenced in yard.  Then I noticed this wild rabbit standing just outside the fenced in yard.  The strange thing about it is that it seemed to be standing at attention.  Maybe he (or she) just wanted to get a better look at me.  I went back in the house and got my camera and to my surprise, the rabbit was still there.  Here are the three pictures that I took of it:

Dang, and here I thought that I was ugly enough to scare almost anything away, so this must have been a very brave bunny.  You can see the wire squares that make up the dog's fenced in yard.  The dogs were out and about but didn't notice the rabbit.  Later, after the rabbit was gone and the dogs went out again, the youngest pup started sniffing all around the fence and refused to give up until she found what made that curious aroma.  Not finding anything, she gave up and came back in.  That was our excitement for today.  Now, I want you all to have a great evening, you hear? 


  1. lol - They're just like kids, curious about everything!

  2. Always nice to have a visitor from one of Mother Nature's own.

    1. We get a lot of visitors, but I usually can't get pictures of most of them. Now, my son's game cameras do catch a lot of animals, big and small. He is still working on the North Slope of Alaska, but should be home very soon for a couple of weeks of R&R before going back up there.

  3. Maybe he/she was waiting for a hand out

    1. That could very well be. Maybe I should put some lettuce and carrots out there for it.

  4. You have your own little oasis in the country but a stones throw from the big city.

    I miss the wild rabbits we used to have around here.

    1. Yes I do and I want to keep it that way. I have had mountain lions, wolves, fox, racoons, possums, and a whole lot more. And of course rabbits and squirrels.

  5. What do you have with a room full of 32 Eskimo women?


    A full set of teeth.

    1. That is funny but I can't see what it had to do with my blog posting.

    2. Sorry - It was meant for your "Westerns" blog; in reference to your "...perfect white teeth..." comment.

    3. Oh, OK, now keep posting those great comments.

  6. There is one rabbit in my yard that does that when I open the back door.

    1. I guess they don't feel safe until they can see and know what is going on around them.

  7. Looks like and fun day for the dogs rabbit hunting.

    1. My dogs may chase them but they wouldn't know what to do if they caught one. Their domain is inside our home and they are a huge part of our home and family for sure.

  8. My eyes aren't so good, but it sure looks like that rabbit has huge ears!

    1. It does and it has them standing up to catch any and all sounds around it. "Always on alert or be eaten" is probably its motto.
