Sunday, February 24, 2019


I like to watch western movies and shows on TV.  Some of the older ones are in black and white but most now, are in color.  These shows are supposed to depict life as it was in the old west.  But, one thing that bothers me.  Almost everyone in those shows has perfect white teeth.  The one I have been watching has Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda in it.  The movie is "Once Upon a Time in the West.  Did you know, they both had blue eyes but Fonda's seemed the bluest.  Since I have blue eyes, I took notice.

Nice day, today, but I don't believe the temperature will make it to seventy degrees, but stay in the upper sixties.  That is OK with me.  It will be way too soon until it starts bumping the one hundred mark.  Now, whatever the temperature is at you place, please have a great day, you hear?


  1. We are tired of this cold weather and are looking forward for some warmth. The problem is when it starts to warm up it doesn't know when to stop. Decisions Decisions?
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I guess it is best to just enjoy the day, what ever the weather is.

  2. LOL - I'm betting audiences wouldn't pay to see actors with missing teeth.

    1. Unless they are hillbillies. I would make a great hillbilly.

  3. For some reason I used to really like Sugarfoot.

    1. Oh yes, I remember that show. Wow, that was way back when I was in Highschool.

  4. There are lots of old westerns on antenna TV.
    It was a beautiful day today even here low to mid 60's perfect!

  5. White teeth, perfect hair, freshly shaved, and very clean clothing. Nothing like men in those old black & white photographs of actual cowboys of olden days.

    1. That is for sure!! Slick dressers with tied down guns. A real description would be shoddy clothing with an old sixgun tucked into their pants.

  6. i love all those old westerns. Maybe they all used Ipana Toothpaste. Remember that. I do remember that show and have always wondered how Henry Fonda got such blue eyes. Pau Newman was another one with those intense blue eyes.

    1. Yep, I remember: "Brusha, brusha, brusha! Get the new Ipana! With the brand new flavour - it's dandy for your teeth!"

  7. I guess I never noticed Henry Fonda had blue eyes but I do remember Paul Newman's baby blues :)

    1. I suppose a lot of the original films that they did were in black and white so it would be harder to tell eye color, but you can tell light colors (like blue) from dark colors (like brown).

  8. What do you have with a room full of 32 Eskimo women?

    Answer: A full set of teeth.

  9. Years ago my grand daughter was trying to break into the modeling profession.

    Someone sponsored a trip to a group of the modeling gals to attend a racing event in New York.

    My grand daughter was up in the bleachers talking to some "old guy" and wondered why everybody kept taking her picture.

    She asked someone why that was - and they replied "Don't you know who you were talking with?"

    When they explained that the "Old guy" was Paul Newman, she replied "Who is Paul Newman?"

    1. I really enjoyed this comment...thank you :)

    2. My generation grew up playing out doors. I remember our first TV, I think that there were two or three stations, and of course everything was in black and white. I still watch a lot of black and white TV shows.
